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We've got each other

The thoughts of her time with Johnny the day previously struck in her mind, his skittish behaviour and the fact he multiple times hinted towards him knowing more than he let on

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The thoughts of her time with Johnny the day previously struck in her mind, his skittish behaviour and the fact he multiple times hinted towards him knowing more than he let on.

It left a odd taste in her mouth, mulling over her thoughts for anything she could piece together.

Aria sighed, walking up the steps with her mind plagued with thoughts and the feeling leaving her on edge.

Her eyes drifted over to her door as she internally debated before shrugging and almost zombified, walked over to the room where the door was slightly jarred open.

The room was bright, flashing lights from the computer screen made the girl squint before closing the door behind her.

Donghyuck had his headphones over his ears, completely oblivious to all around him as he frantically tapped the keys on his keyboard- eyes stuck to the screen.

He wore a simple black t-shirt and shorts- hair messy over his forehead as his yells increased towards his teammates.

Aria suppressed a laugh at his state, rolling her eyes at his obliviousness to her presence.

Her eyes drifted over to the bed, the worn out brown bunny rabbit stuffed toy sat on his bed by his pillows.

An endearing smile grazed her lips, walking over to carefully pick it up in her hand to stare down at it.

Although it was old and worn, the stuffing in one leg was missing and several small stitches had been made in it- it was still the cutest thing she'd ever seen.

Clutching it to her chest, she began to shuffle her feet against the cold floor, a sleepy daze over her body.

Not even greeting him seeing as he couldn't hear and was too busy immersed into his game, Aria reached her boyfriend.

The sound of the game was emitting out of his headset and she scoffed before basically clambering on top of him.

She ducked her head under his arm to nuzzle her nose in his neck and sit straddling him with her hands wrapping around his neck- the bunny pressed to his chest and her shoulder.

Donghyuck jolted in surprise, his one hand leaving the keyboard to support her back so she wouldn't fall at first, confused by the sudden action.

Yet he couldn't help the smile that pulled on his lips, a genuine loving smile beaming.

Temporarily turning his headset off, pulling it so it wasn't directly on his ears as he glanced down- seeing his bunny nuzzled in them.

"You okay?" He asked concerned, his palm grazing up and down her back gently.

Aria nodded into his embrace, tightening her arms and sighed contently.
"You're such a baby." He teased lightly, voice glimmering adoration.

She shook her head.
"No?" He raised his brow. "How do you explain this then?"

Aria lifted her head from his neck, staring at him with her arms around his neck as his big brown eyes gazed up at her- hands on her waist.

"I'm trying to affection but seeing as you aren't taking me seriously, I'm just gonna cuddle with Bunny." She rolled her eyes, untangling herself from him and huffing as she stomped over to his bed with the stuffed toy.

Donghyuck's lips parted in shock, immediately narrowing his eyes and shutting down his game.

Practically stumbling from his chair to the bed where she was hugging the stuffed toy.

"I was joking!" He cried out, crawling over to the girl and poking her arm. "I deserve cuddles too."

"No." She grumbled out.

Donghyuck pouted, wrapping his arms around her and pressing small butterfly kisses to the back of her neck- making tingles rise as she squirmed.

"Stop, it tickles."
Donghyuck laughed, the vibrations of his chest relaying on her back to encase her in immediate warmth.

Donghyuck felt her relax in his touch as she cuddled up to the bunny- his soft breaths fanning past her ear.

The sound of his breathing was oddly relaxing as she found herself drifting into a drowsy state.

"Mm, how was your day?" She mumbled out, fighting the urge to keep her eyes open.

"It was good, what about yours?" He asked, his ears tuning into the sound of her heart beating.

"...'s okay" she managed out in a slur. Donghyuck peered over at her- seeing as her eyes began to shut and he carefully began to lift the covers over her body not to wake her.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he returned back to position- sliding his arm around her waist and head to snuggle in the back of her neck.

Soon enough, his own breathing synced hers and he found himself too dozing off.

"Sweet dreams Belle."


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