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Some things bring you closer unexpectedly

Jisung had followed his Mum outside of the room, leaving the three demons in the unknown anxiously waiting with a million thoughts shooting through them

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Jisung had followed his Mum outside of the room, leaving the three demons in the unknown anxiously waiting with a million thoughts shooting through them.

Chaerin eyed Donghyuck closely, the warmth of Jisung leaving her and she sighed- throwing her head back to watch the ceiling fan spin.

"Why is the fan on?"
"I don't know." Renjun commented, also inquisitive as to why there was a fan on in hell.

"Donghyuck bro, I think you should go find Princess and Bubbles- they haven't come home in nearly a day." Chaerin said, gaining his attention.

However Donghyuck had his teeth biting his nails anxiousness, deep in thought.
"Go yourself."

Chaerin sighed, rolling her eyes.
"You need to go clear your head- how do you expect to comfort her like this?"

"She's right, you won't take long anyway. Buy her something on your way back." Renjun spoke, his eyes on his best friend- feeling worried for him.

The boy nodded after hesitance, standing up but not making a move to leave.
"What if she gets more hurt?" He said, looking towards the steps that led to his room.

"Then we all are going to be there for her, she's one of us." Chaerin spoke softly, running a hand through her hair to smoothen it down.

Renjun also nodded, sending him a small smile to ease his nerves.
"And we're here for you too." He said, indirectly mentioning his fears that reflected his past relationship. "She's not Seyeon, you don't have to be so hesitant either."

Aria sat up on Donghyuck's bed, aimlessly staring at his grey wall- feeling the hole in her heart grow.

She was unsure of why these things kept happening to her, she was unsure of when she could be confidently happy.

Looking down at her hands, she stared at her palms as she felt the warmth burning inside her.
The swirl of emotions rising higher and higher, her palms heating up a fiery orange colour before the flames exerted out of them; making her flinch.

She watched in awe as a fireball hovered over her palm, cautiously she eyed it and gently threw it up in the air, catching it with the other hand.

What else could she do?

A knock at the door interrupted her bubble, snapping out of it and closing her palm shut as the door creaked open.

Chaerin poked her head around the door hesitantly but when she saw Aria awake, she smiled and slowly entered.

"Hey babe," she began, walking closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay."

Chaerin placed herself to sit on the edge of the bed, glancing at the hellhound girl.
"Whatever is happening...you have us you know that? You're our family."

The mere words from the Demon Queen made Aria's lips pull up into a smile that juxtaposed her tears lining her eyes.

"I'm just scared." She whispered, her voice cracking, throat painfully sore from the emotions breaking through.

"What are you scared of?" Chaerin asked, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind Aria's ear endearingly.

"Just," she breathed out shakily, looking down at her hands. "Everything is too much and I don't know how much I can take."

"I spent my life...being treated badly by my parents and I you know, constantly wondered what I did to deserve it. I thought it was my fault and now I know why."
"That doesn't give them a reason to treat you badly...they took you in for 19 years." Chaerin spoke protectively.

"But I still don't hate them, I'm thankful they took me in." She said, sniffling and hastily wiping away her fallen tears.

Aria turned to Chaerin, smiling with glimmering tears shining in her warm brown hurt eyes.
"Thank you for being here for me, I really appreciate it."

Chaerin also had her own tears threatening to spill, scoffing before leaning into her for a hug.

They both rocked side to side in each others embrace.
"I've always got you Aria, no matter what."

I wonder what the truth is hmmmm what do you think

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I wonder what the truth is hmmmm what do you think

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