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One or two weeks later idfk

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One or two weeks later idfk

"Hey there." Aria spoke out in the silence of the atmosphere as the boy sat at the edge of the cliff.

Instead of feeling burdened and upset by her Father's last place being at the cliff, she felt more at peace- it was the only thing she had from him.

Donghyuck was deep in thought, eyes burning as he tried desperately not to let himself begin to cry.

Weak, so weak.

"You know, ignoring me only leads to me bullying you so- I mean unless you want me to then who am I to say no?" She joked lightly as she walked closer.

Please go away

His fists clenched against the hard concrete ground so hard that his knuckles were scraped.

Holding his body still so it wouldn't shake, the awful memories and thoughts threatening to break through.

"Hyuck, have you seen this? I didn't know the view from over here is nice too!" Aria exclaimed, peering over the edge at the sight.

At his lack of reply, she turned around to see him still sitting there- she frowned.
"Are you okay? Imagine if it wasn't you this whole time, that would be quite awkward." She whistled lowly.

However something in her gut told her there was something detrimentally wrong so she wordlessly walked over and took a seat besides him.

She didn't say anything, which he was glad about but he was still on edge. Eyes wanting to overspill with tears yet he forced them back.

Aria could feel the heaviness of his emotions weighting him down and she bit down on her bottom lip before glancing at him.

The side of his face illuminated by the moon, emotionless as he stared ahead.
A small gesture went a long way for Aria, deciding to take the initiative to gently grab his hand between hers for comfort.

"Whatever it is, you know I'm here for you." She said softly with a smile when he turned to look at her.

Light heartedly, she raised her eyebrows at him sending a cheeky smile that brightened up anyone's day.
"I know, I know- no need to thank me for my kindness. I'm just that bitch." She said, jokingly.

Although he found it incredibly cute, he was unable to smile or laugh- instead tearing his eyes away to gaze back ahead.

She frowned, looking down at his hand between both of hers and mindlessly she began to become distracted by sliding his rings off and onto her own fingers.

"Do you want me to go?" She asked after a few minutes of silence and he clenched his jaw, in two minds about it.

"Do you want to go?"

Aria paused, turning her head to face him but he was already looking directly at her, intense gazed which made her breath hitch at the close proximity.

"No." She breathed out in the solace of the night and their companies.

Donghyuck's eyes flickered down to her lips for a split second which didn't go unnoticed by her before he completely broke away from the moment, sitting up straighter.

"You should, it's late."

She hid her slight disappointment by continuing as normal, pushing his hand completely away to take his rings onto her hand.

"Well, I'll be taking these with me- they look expensive." She said dramatically and Donghyuck raised a brow, not that she could see it.


Aria sighed in exasperation.
"Do you really want me to go that bad?"
"I don't want you to, I just...I don't know."

"Penny for your thoughts?"
"I thought I was worth more."

"Listen babe, we both know I'm more expensive so." She joked with a smile and he felt the erratic jolt of electricity spark through him.

"I was just thinking about... Seyeon- our relationship and shit."
"Oh do you miss her?"

"No." He said bluntly before sighing and readying himself. "I never tell anyone... it's embarrassing what happened."

Aria gazed up at him inquisitively.
"What happened?"

Donghyuck gulped down the rawness in his throat but each time he did, it became worse.

"She turned me against my will."

Aria's head snapped up so fast and her lips parted in shock, staring at the boy besides her.
"What?" She breathed out.

Donghyuck let out an airy bitter laugh.
"What the fuck...but I thought you can't-"

"Yeah if you kill Humans they die but...she fed me her blood so I had Demon blood in my veins then killed me."

"Holy shit..." She trailed off in shock, placing a hand on his arm. "Donghyuck I am so sorry, why would she- what the hell."

"Our relationship wasn't healthy, it was toxic and manipulative. I was a Human and she was a Demon- she had control over me, treated me like shit." He spat out disgusted with himself and her.

"At first I didn't believe it, I thought surely it couldn't be happening to me. Surely this isn't an abusive relationship, until she...well she became physical."

"She hit you?" Aria gasped in disbelief and Donghyuck nodded, feeling exposed a vulnerable.
"She'd tie me up and let her other Demon boyfriend drink from my blood...I was just a toy for her."

Aria had no words, unsure of what to say as she felt majorly enraged.

"Hyuck," she said softly, leaning her head against his shoulder and an arm around his torso as she looked out at the busy city.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, you didn't deserve any of it at all. And it wasn't your fault, none of it was your fault I promise."

"I just feel...taken advantage of and dirty. You know? I just hate myself for letting her use me." His voice became thicker with every word until it broke, and he broke down into tears.

"A-and when I turned... I angered the wrong people and my Mum...it's my fault she died. Th-they killed her in front of me."

Aria leant away from him, eyes wide as he muffled his cries into his hands and her heart broke over and over.

The girl flung her arms around his neck, his head buried into her neck as she gently caressed through the hair at the back of his neck that had been growing out.

"It's okay, I'm here." She repeated. "You're okay."

And for once, he could genuinely believe it without hesitance.

And for once, he could genuinely believe it without hesitance

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