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Louder than bombs I break

Seo Mina and Seo Sangmin heard the frantic knocking at their door on a thundering winter night

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Seo Mina and Seo Sangmin heard the frantic knocking at their door on a thundering winter night.

They exchanged a glance, the pounding on their door increasing and the male stood up as Mina glanced at her Six year old son who was playing with his cars.

The sounds of the locks clicking and door opening filled the air, the figures outside were completely drenched.

Huang Jia and Dewei stood there, desperate eyes and hair matted down by the rain as the Demonic Woman cradled the baby in her arms, choking on her own tears.

At the sight of the Demon family, Mina turned towards her son immediately.
"Johnny, upstairs now. Go get ready for bed okay?"

The six year old furrowed his brows but nodded obediently, hurrying up the stairs as the Demon family entered.

"Mina-" Jia cried out, clearly distraught.
The Human glanced down at the baby in her arms that wailed and wailed.

"Please, please help me!"
"Jia..." Mina trailed off, wide eyes at the baby girl who cried, eyes a piercing orange that overfilled with tears.

Dewei was cradling the one year old Renjun to his chest as he slept, rocking him in his arms.

"W-what happened, why are you here?" She almost hissed at the Demons she hadn't seen in years.

Jia's lips trembled as she spoke, bloodshot eyes and pale faced.
"Byeong-cheol...h-he killed himself." Jia whispered out.

Mina's face paled, flickering her eyes down to the baby.
"No... he's dead?"

Jia nodded, broken hearted- weeping for her daughter that was now left without her Father.

"She's a Hellhound, she can't- I just can't let her become one but-"
"Jia," Mina warned with wide eyes.

Jia walked closer, pleading hurt eyes.
"Please look after her."

"What- Jia what are you talking about-"
"We're all Demons and you know if she's around us she'll turn into a full Hellhound." Dewei carried on, in a quieter voice as Renjun was fast asleep.

The rain pelted down furiously on the window panes.
"You know how much I despise your kind." Mina hissed out, narrowed eyes.

"I have no one else, please! If she isn't around Demons she'll live as a Human."

Mina glanced at Sangmin who's eyes slitted at the couple.
"You want us to take in your Demonic child- into our house? What if people find out? Did you think about that?"

"Please, please- it hurts me to let her go but please- I'm begging you!" Jia cried out, looking down at the baby in her arms.

Mina sighed harshly, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"For how long?"
"...I don't know." Jia whispered out.

"Mum?" A voice from upstairs called out, causing everyone to fall silent.
"Yes Johnny, I'm coming up." Sangmin called out, taking one last glance at the couple before leaving.

"I'll take her-"
"Thank you so-"
"But he doesn't want her, I know he doesn't."

"She's lovely, please you'll fall in love with her I promise. Just...give her a good life okay? Make her feel loved and a part of your family."

Mina nodded wordlessly as Jia held in her cries- looking down at her baby girl that blew bubbles.
"Daiyu-ah, Mummy loves you okay? I love you more than you can imagine. I'm so sorry, you'll be happier here." She cooed out, hiccuping on her cries.

The baby's eyes flashed orange before returning to her own brown colour.
A few whines and slight wriggling in her Mother's arms didn't go amiss.

"You're always my baby girl, you're so precious aren't you?" She sniffled, unable to see as the tears blurred her vision.

"Jia," Dewei spoke, hand on her back. "It's time to go."

Jia nodded, placing a long lasting kiss on the baby's forehead.
"Stay safe my love." She whispered out before hesitantly handing her over to Mina.

In the Human's arms she began to whine, a protruding frown on her lips and cheeks puffing out as she began to cry.

"Thank you." Jia whispered out, heart clenching and she had to forcefully turn her back to her daughter.

"Take good care of her." The Demon spoke, biting her lip as she walked out of the house.

Dewei glanced at Mina, deciding not to say anything and bowing as he too left and the baby continued to cry.

Sangmin stood by the steps, looking at his wife holding a hellhound in her arms.
"She may be in this house, but she'll never be a part of this family- remember that."

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