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"Shut up you're irritating me

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"Shut up you're irritating me."
"Says the actual irritating one."
"How am I irritating-"

"Can you both shut up!" Jisung yelled out, letting out a shaky angry sigh as they all sat in the 'demon's hangout'.

"Aria," Jisung began and the girl tore her glare from Donghyuck to look at Jisung.
"You should stay around us now, being around Angels can weaken you."

"But Jaemin..." She trailed off, frowning at the thought of not being around him.
"Who cares about that weak idiot," Renjun scoffed and Donghyuck raised his brows at him unconvincingly.

"Anyway," Chaerin spoke, gathering back the attention. "I don't think your powers will happen so quickly but it would be best if you're around us, is that okay?"

Aria bit down on her lip but sent a nod, giving in to what needed to be done.
"So...what happens now?"
"Hopefully your tongue gets cut off so you shut up."
Aria scoffed at Renjun sending him a glare to which he challenged her back with.

"I'm pretty sure bullying her is my job."
"Shut up idiot." Aria retorted back to Donghyuck.

"You know, I think you'll fit in just fine." Chaerin spoke with a smile, flickering her eyes to Donghyuck and the girl.

"Yeah but what if someone put white paint on your wings?"
"What the hell, actually I'm one of the best Demons around so they can't do shit to me." Renjun boasted as him and Aria were too much into their own conversation.

Chaerin, Jisung and Donghyuck trailed behind them and the students around gasped, whispering like wildfire and Renjun came to a stop by his locker.

They all stopped with him and Aria turned her attention to the other Demons.
"What do I do if someone asks me?"
"Just tell them to fuck off, it isn't hard seeing how rude you are."
"Ha, ha. Funny." Tone dripping sarcasm at the boy who roasted his slitted brow.

"Wow, she really did take my seconds."

Donghyuck's face changed in an instant, crossed between hurt and anger and Aria noticed he wouldn't dare look at Seyeon.

"Listen," Aria began, clearing her throat and taking a step towards her. "You're just reaching for attention now and it isn't pretty."

"Yeah, neither is your face!"
"Damn, she got me there- watch me start crying." Aria commented, hand on chest and Seyeon's nostrils flared in anger.

"You bitch," Seyeon seethed, raising her hand to strike the girl across the face when a hand clasped around her wrist.

"Oh shit."
"No way."
"There's definitely something going on."

Seyeon glanced to the side at the dark figure that slitted burning holes into the side of her face- palm so tight around her wrist that her bones could have snapped easily.
No one said anything, tension rising and choking.

"What are y-you doing?" Seyeon asked bewildered, peering up at Donghyuck in shock and the boy stood unmoving.

"You better stay out of my way," he began, voice warned terrifyingly dark. "Or you'll really regret it." He shoved her hand out of his grip- brushing past her with his shoulder against hers and left.

There was a silence in the hallways, Seyeon still stood there with her mouth agape before pursing her lips shut and turning towards Aria in anger.

"Listen, he won't ever like someone like you- don't even try it. I'm going to get him back." She spat out in a hushed whisper, harshly turning around to stride the other way.

"Aria," a voice called from a fair distance away and her eyes landed on a nervous looking Jaemin who's eyes displayed a lot more worry than usual.

She immediately perked up, leaving the Demon's to trail over to Jaemin who took her by the hand to lead her somewhere quiet.

She immediately perked up, leaving the Demon's to trail over to Jaemin who took her by the hand to lead her somewhere quiet

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