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"So," Renjun began, unsure of what to say as he was in equal amounts of shock as he saw Aria sitting next to Chaerin in the living room

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"So," Renjun began, unsure of what to say as he was in equal amounts of shock as he saw Aria sitting next to Chaerin in the living room.

"Can I go see her, I want to ask her a few things." Aria rushed out, standing up with determination.

"I don't think it's a good idea, you're in shock right now." Jisung spoke up and Aria sighed.
"I just need to know, it's killing me right now."

Renjun bit at his bottom lip, torn with himself but nodded and held his hand out.
"Let's go to China."

Aria parted her lips in shock.
"They're in China..."
"Yes but we're privileged enough to teleport." He raised his brows and held his hand out with emphasis.

Aria walked over, placing her hand in his and she nodded, readying herself as they disappeared.

"Hey Dad..." Donghyuck began, sighing as he sat in the worn out cold hospital chair. "Sorry for not visiting sooner, a lot happened." He breathed out.

His father had been left paralyzed from the torso down after an accident.
The pains had been getting worse, having him ending up in hospital with weak lungs- bed bound.

His Father reached up to take off his ventilator mask, coughing out.
"It's okay Son."

Donghyuck was distant, eyes gazing off with his head full of thoughts.
"Me and Seyeon broke up a long time ago, I didn't know how to tell you. I know you liked her."

The man's lips pulled up into a smile, knowing his Son more than anyone.
"I'd like whoever you bring to me, as long as they make you happy."

"She didn't make me happy Dad," he admitted, feeling the rise of emotions build up. "She manipulated me and I was too weak to fight her back and then Mum died and I couldn't come face you-"

"Donghyuck... please." His Dad began, feeling helpless.

"But I killed her." He whispered out. "I'm a monster."

To say it was awkward was an understatement, Aria sat uncomfortably on the sofa next to Renjun as the maid had let them in.

"I don't know Chinese." She spoke under her breath to Renjun and he bit out a laugh.
"They know Korean."
"Oh...I just realized I'm half Chinese aren't I?"

Renjun turned to look at her, humming.
"I mean, yeah and somehow you're my half sister...who would have thought."

They both held back a laugh that was bubbling up at the weird situation but it was cut short when the door opened.

The woman burst through the door, her eyes scanning the area before they landed on Aria.

She wore professional attire, her hair up in a bun and yet her complexion was near to perfect. Looking young and healthy for her age.

As soon as her sight landed on Aria, she let out a heavy breath- the breath that unleashed a heart wrenching cry.

"Oh my God." She breathed out, weak on her feet, hands flying up to her mouth as she stared at her daughter after nearly two decades.

She walked closer, eyes never leaving the girl who had subconsciously gripped the back of Renjun's shirt anxiously.

"Daiyu..." Jia trailed off, feeling her whole world spinning.

"It's Aria." The hellhound said, her voice quieter than normal as she felt conflicted.
A shot of hurt passed through her eyes and Jia nodded respectfully.
"Aria." She spoke.

Renjun cleared his throat, diverging the attention.
"Um, let's sit down and talk." He began, motioning to the two sofa's.

"Why did you...give me away?" Aria asked after a while of introduction and small talk.

The mood had shifted and Jia cleared her throat, taking a sip of water.
"I don't know if you know about your Father-"
"He killed himself, I know."

There was a pause before she spoke.
"You were only two month old and I didn't know what to do. After having you and Renjun so close together...after what I did- I was in a bad place." She began and Aria listened carefully, holding her breath in anticipation.

"I blamed myself, it was my fault... I drove him to that point. I should have let him see you more but I was scared it would have activated your powers if you were around another Hellhound.

It was when you turned one, Renjun was two so I don't think he remembered anything...it came to the point where because you were a Hellhound- your powers were being activated by Demons- us.

You were experiencing things that hadn't happened with Renjun and it frightened me, you were only a baby.

Your powers were greater than you and it was dangerous. It wasn't fair on you-"

"So you gave me away?"

"I had no choice, it was either I let you live happily or in pain. Being around Demon's... Demon's fuel hellhounds, you can't be a Hellhound if you aren't around Demon's."

Aria wasn't sure what to say, what to feel- at a loss for words.
"I wanted to keep you, I really did. I loved you so much, I still love you to this day, you're my little girl."

"What about the family you gave me to?"
"They were a Human family I knew personally... but once they had you, they took you all the way to Korea and we lost contact."

"Why would they do that?" Aria asked with her brows furrowed.
"Back then...Demon and Humans were only beggining to get along as they had lived in hatred- Demons overruling Humans.

I feared that they moved to Korea to...take advantage of your hellhound qualities, or overrule you to feel better about themselves.

They hesitated in taking you at first, but as soon as they found out you were a hellhound, they took you." Jia spoke heavy heartedly.

There was a silence as Aria thought.
"Do you have any pictures?"

Jia's face lit up.
"Yes, I took a lot when you were a baby, wait here!"

"Yes, I took a lot when you were a baby, wait here!"

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So so what we thinking

Should Aria accept

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