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"Aria!" A voice yelled out, the familiar one making relief flood her- turning around to see Chaerin running towards her with Jisung trailing after her sporting a stern face

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"Aria!" A voice yelled out, the familiar one making relief flood her- turning around to see Chaerin running towards her with Jisung trailing after her sporting a stern face.

When Chaerin caught sight of her wings, she froze.
"Oh my...I'm gay." She blurted out in awe of Aria's wings.

"I hope not." Jisung muttered from behind her, comfortingly patting Aria's head as he walked past to glance out the window.

"Well, looks like we have an issue." He spoke, turning around.
"Where's Donghyuck?"

Hyuck, where are you
Are you okay? Are you hurt?

I'm okay, nothing too bad
Renjun is here

Here where? Where are you baby

Shit man do you want me to get beat up? I'm trying to win here and you call me BABY

Did you just call me man? Wow okay, sorry BRO

Wow Belle
And we're outside

Outside? Lee Donghyuck, what the fuck!

Yeah babe you should see me right now
I'm basically making this centaur two separate creatures haha



I'm going to beat your fucking ass
Are you stupid? Do you know how many- things! are out there?
If you get hurt I'm going to genuinely kill you and then rip your fucking wings out
If there's even a scratch on you-

I don't know if you're trying to be caring but it's a bit aggressive

I'm serious

I'm okay, I'll be okay I promise

You worry me so much
I hate you

Well I l-
Hm, what a nice sky

Yeah the sky will be the last thing you see if you don't get back here

If I win, do I get a congratulatory kiss?

You won't be getting anything at this rate you dumb idiot

Dumb and idiot are the same my love

Says the one who put water in the microwave to heat it up!

You said you wanted tea for your cramps, I was heating the water up!

I actually- you're such a demon

What an insult
I'm deeply hurt

"They're definitely talking telepathically." Chaerin said with an endearing smile, clutching onto Jisung.

"You know why they're here for her right?'" Seyeon spoke up, the two leaders of Hell glancing back at her with hostility.

"She has the one thing they all want."
"What?" Chaerin said with narrowed eyes.

"She has the stone." Seyeon spoke deadly serious and their faces changed- Chaerin exchanging a glance with Jisung.

"That's impossible." Jisung said with a scoff. "How would you know?"

"Morte was after more than Donghyuck's girlfriend- he wanted the stone to create the world as his own army."

"But they..." Chaerin motioned to outside.
"They want to eradicate the earth of Human and change it to the place where creatures live."

"You can't mean that they want the stone to bring back the creatures who were pushed out for being even more evil than us?" A voice scoffed.

Jisung acknowledged the two as Taeyong and Doyoung who guarded the gates.

"That's exactly what I mean." Seyeon spoke.

"But who's the one in charge?' a newer voice spoke.
"Isn't he the one that tried to turn Chaerin into-"
Seyeon was cut off by a deep low cut growl from Jisung as he clutched Chaerin tighter to him.

Jeno sighed heavily, walking with Chenle and Jaemin- their angelic wings fluttering as they did so.

"There must be someone calling the shots." Jeno spoke with a thoughtful glance outside. "But who..."

"Do you have any enemies?" Aria asked Jisung who scoffed a laugh.
"I'm literally the king of Hell, everyone hates me."

"Oh, that narrows it down then."

"Is no one going to mention Aria's wings?" Chenle spoke absentmindedly.

Before anyone could speak, a bloodied, bruised and half beaten to death- Donghyuck stumbled through the doors held up by Renjun.

"Woah, your wings!"

Idek what I'm writing anymore

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Idek what I'm writing anymore

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