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It seemed like hours when she woke again, almost as if she was drifting in the sky peacefully- the warmth cocooning her blissfully

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It seemed like hours when she woke again, almost as if she was drifting in the sky peacefully- the warmth cocooning her blissfully.

Aria let her eyes flutter open, the darkness of the room oddly comfortable and soothing- she blinked away the disorientation and gazed up at the ceiling blankly.

The air was mostly silent, the large king sized bed that she layed on, almost lulling her back into a sleep.

Exhausted, shock, confused. The last few days proved to be a struggle for her to comprehend and it made her head spin.

Aria heard the sound of shuffling, it stuck out in the room and alarmed, she turned her head towards the door and her vision adjusted to the blurry figure that walked towards the desk- hunching over it to grab something.

Confusion spread through her, drawing her eyebrows down and she found herself blinking to adjust her sight.

"I thought you were out." Her sleep coaxed, confused voice asked out- rubbing her eye with the back of her hand.

The boy turned his head towards the girl who had now awoken, standing up straighter as he looked down at her.

"I was, you've been sleeping almost 18 hours."

Aria's eyes widened, sitting up in her bed in complete alarm and Donghyuck's lips curved up into a teasing smile.
"You really enjoyed sleeping in my bed didn't you?"

Aria scowled, glaring up at him and she sighed, pushing her face into her hands.
"You should have woken me, I need to go before things go to shit at home."

"Hm," he hummed, not really interested in what she was saying as he swiftly walked around his room for something. "Thought you needed the rest."

She bit back the urge to break out into a grin.
"Is the Lee Donghyuck concerned about me?"

The boy stopped at the door, hand on the handle before speaking, he scoffed.
"No, why would I be? You just looked like shit."

Something about his words were held light-heartedly, glancing back at the girl with a humoured smile and she rolled her eyes.

"Gee, thanks for that." She muttered and Donghyuck shrugged.
"You're welcome."

"Idiot." She grumbled under her breath as his melodious laugh carried through the air while he stepped out of the room, leaving the girl scoffing a breathy laugh, eyes on the door.

"Morning sleeping beauty." The voice teased Aria as she dragged herself out of Donghyuck's room.

The hellhound groaned, sliding into the kitchen isle seat as Chaerin began to make food and Aria looked at her in confusion.

"You guys don't even eat..."
"Hm, yeah but you do."
"Oh..." Aria trailed off, watching as the Demon girl hummed to herself while cooking.

"I used to love cooking when I was- well 'Human'."
"Oh yeah, you were half Angel half Demon right? Jaem told me."

Chaerin eyed the girl momentarily before turning her attention back to the food.
"You seem to be close to him."
"Yeah well having your guardian angel around you 24/7 kinda forces you to be."

"Jaemin really does care for you, you know?"
Aria shifted in her seat, not sure what to say and she felt her pulse quickening and a nervous laughter escaped her lips.

"I mean, it is his job..."
"Right and is it your job to stare at him in health class?" Chaerin shot back cheekily and Aria's mouth parted in shock.
"W-what, no I don't!"

"You so do."
"Wait, what really?" She asked incredulously and Chaerin nodded.
"Close your mouth babe, you might catch some flies in there."

Aria clamped her lips shut before scrunching her nose up.
"I don't stare at Jaemin." She muttered, picking at the sleeves of the sweater.

"Who knows, maybe the hellhound has fallen for her guardian angel.


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