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All of this is no coincidence

The sound of the resounding click of the door echoed through the air, alerting Aria of the one person she had been waiting for

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The sound of the resounding click of the door echoed through the air, alerting Aria of the one person she had been waiting for.

She paused her video, biting down on her bottom lip as she let her feet hit the ground, sliding them into her slippers to shield from the coldness.

It had struck midnight when he came home, his first appearance in a week. Lately, he had been coming home less regularly and to say she missed her brother was an understatement.

He was taking off his shoes when Aria perched herself to sit on one of the tip steps, looking down at him wordlessly before she decided to speak.

"Where have you been?"

Johnny tilted his head up at the sound of her voice, eyes meeting hers and he paused, sighing when he realised there was no way out.

"Just out." He said briefly, sliding his jacket off as her eyes watched his every move.

"Yeah, but where exactly?" Her tone came off more demanding and bitter than she had wanted it to but she couldn't help the overwhelming emotions over taking her.

He didn't answer for a short while, running a hand through his fingers.
"Just with some friends."
"You keep disappearing John, I've been worried about you."

A short laugh escaped his sigh, shaking his head.
"Shouldn't I be the one worrying over you?"
"Stop joking Johnny, where have you been." She narrowed her eyes at him and his fingers drummed on the railing of the steps.

"Go put some warm clothes on, I need to take you somewhere."

The place he bought her to made her freeze in her place, the air partially knocked out of her when she immediately recognised it.

The cliff.

Although now there was no trace of Donghyuck or Princess, Johnny walked further into the depth of it as Aria stayed back wearily.

"I didn't know how to face you when I found out..." He began, gaining her attention.
"What is it?" She asked despite the blundering of her heart.

"At first I was told you were my half sister...we share the same Mum- and I know you found out-"

"You knew?" She spluttered out in utter disbelief, surprise filling her mind as she stared at his back. "You knew and never told me, the what- 19 years you've known me?"

Johnny turned out, shaking his head.
"I only found out a year ago but...they told me not to tell you."
"But..." She trailed off, feeling some what betrayed yet her thoughts wouldn't align enough for her to comment on it.

"I found out and so I asked questions...I asked who your Dad was and why I didn't notice that..."

His voice stopped, the words ceasing and it left her on edge, wanting to hear more of it in anticipation.

Aria walked closer, drawing her in towards him in the need of more information.
"Notice what?"

"It didn't make sense to me but I just believed what they said and the more I pushed it away...it was always in the back of my mind."

"What was, tell me!" She exclaimed desperately, clutching onto his arm. Johnny closed his eyes, in debate with himself as he knew it would change her life forever.

"Mum was never pregnant with you...no hospital trips, no birth no nothing."

Wow what does this mean 👀

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Wow what does this mean 👀

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