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Aria's slipper clad feet softly patted against the ground as she walked up the small incline up the cliff

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Aria's slipper clad feet softly patted against the ground as she walked up the small incline up the cliff.

Her eyes remained on the boy who sat with his legs dangling off of the edge, the black leather jacket around his body and he sat still with his eyes boring into the eccentric city bustling below.

"Fancy seeing you here Demon." She commented, walking over as he glanced back to see the girl.

"I'm always here." He retorted with a roll of his eyes and she bit back the urge to argue, instead she stood by the edge- but not so close.

"Aren't you afraid of heights?"
"I fly Belle, it's not like I'd fall to my death."
"Oh yeah..." She trailed off, feeling utterly stupid but shaking her head.

"Where's my Gatto." She asked, peering around for the black cat which was nowhere to be seen.
"Shut up, she's mine."

"Wow, you don't have to be so rude." She huffed, crossing her arms as she looked down at him yet his gaze remained ahead.

"Your presence annoys me."
"Your face annoys me."
"Why, is it because I'm so attractive it makes you fall in love with me?" He drawled out, raising his slitted brow and she scoffed.

"Yeah right, keep dreaming." She said, sitting herself besides him with her feet off the edge, hesitantly.

They both relayed into a silence, the cold air nipping at them both and Aria took a deep breath, letting it out with her eyes closed as she basked in the night sky.

Unaware of Donghyuck's gaze situated on her face, a small smile grazed her lips at the feeling of tranquility.

He watched, unable to take his gaze away as he was almost infatuated- meeting her unexpectedly, starting off by hating her but now something had flipped.

It felt too sudden of him to admit what he was feeling towards her, unsure as to why they had 'clicked' so soon or even if it was a crush at all.

Maybe he was intrigued by her platonically but the way her cheeky smile or soft eyes sent him wanting to destroy any other eyes on her, it became clearer.

Indulged in his innermost thoughts, Aria glanced to the side- eyes falling to his that still gazed at her.

"What is it?" She asked, wondering why he was staring at her and Donghyuck snapped out his trance- meeting her eyes.
"You're just truly ugly." He deadpanned to cover the strange feeling blooming inside him.

Aria gasped offended, glaring at him and he laughed, leaning back on his palms- looking up.

"Says the one who calls me Belle." She muttered distastefully and he didn't say anything in response.

"Jaemin and Na-eun broke up."

Donghyuck tilted his head to the side at her confession, watching her from the corner of his eye as she fiddled with her fingers to distract herself.

"How come?" He asked after some silence and she put her hands down, looking down at the city.

"She just felt burdened by the fact he is an Angel...he never did anything wrong and she always felt at fault?" She said confused. "But isn't it good to have an Angel with you... they're basically perfect."

"If you're with someone who is perfect you'll often start to doubt yourself I guess." He began. "She probably felt like she was the one who always did something wrong...Angels don't criticise you or blame you for anything- it could be frustrating I guess."

Aria hummed at his answer, deep in thought, conflicted.

"I don't know what to do." She began, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"I know he doesn't like me, I'm not stupid but I just- whenever I'm around him I don't know..."

The Demon boy wanted to retort a bitter reply but instead managed to display an irritating smirk on his lips.

"Wow, Aria actually gets flustered? Who would have thought." He commented and the girl smacked him lightly.

"Hey, you better not tell anyone!" She exclaimed with threatening eyes.
"Oh yeah, or what?" He tested.

"Don't you dare, no don't tell anyone! Yah Donghyuck! Hey! Come back, where are you going!" Her exclaims carried through the midnight air as she clambered to her feet to run after the teasing Demon and soon her yells turned into laughter that held immense thrill and happiness.

Because with him she felt free but she was too blinded by the wings of purity to see what was in front of her.

Because with him she felt free but she was too blinded by the wings of purity to see what was in front of her

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Well 😔 that's low-key sad

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