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Sin-ridden and scorching, the boy with the darkest aura and dried blood staining his mouth and clothes emerged from the air filling casted over smoke

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Sin-ridden and scorching, the boy with the darkest aura and dried blood staining his mouth and clothes emerged from the air filling casted over smoke.

Entering the gates of hell with the unconscious girl in his arms, the black cat scurrying behind.

Donghyuck walked through in a stride, calmly. It attracted the gaze of his 3 friends who's mouth fell agape and eyes partially widened.

"What..." Chaerin trailed off, leaving Jisung's side and standing up, training her eyes on Aria who's body was limp in his arms.

"Her powers activated."
"What, how!"
Donghyuck didn't answer, moving towards the sofa to put the girl down on it.

Renjun scoffed, taking in the blood stained appearance.
"I told you not to excessively feed."
"I told you not to order me around, you're not my Dad." Donghyuck bit out in a snark.

Renjun raised a brow, his blood boiling as he stood up.
"You know what, I've had enough of you. Yeah your fucking girlfriend broke up with you and it's sad okay I get it but you need to get your act together."

"Renjun-" Jisung began and Renjun's eyes remained burning into Donghyuck before dropping down to Aria.

"Before you bring her down to your level too." Renjun strode past Donghyuck, stopping until their shoulders touched and his head turned to the side slightly.
"Don't be selfish."

Donghyuck huffed, slamming the living room door shut as he walked towards the kitchen in an angry flurry of emotions.

"Who is the girl?"

Donghyuck glanced to the side to see Jisung's Mum standing there, eyeing the boy.
"Hellhound." He stated briefly and she rolled her eyes.

"I meant to you."
"Nothing, she's nothing to me."

"Mhm...is that why you're so angry?"
Donghyuck sighed and put the can down on the surface.
"I'm just stressed and everyone is on my back." He muttered, taking a swig from the soda that fizzled down his blood laced throat.

"Maybe you just need to take a breather, go see your Dad for a bit."
Donghyuck went silent momentarily and didn't meet her gaze.
"I don't want to see him."
"You haven't seen him since your Mum died-"

The sound of the can hitting the counter cut off the sound and she pursed her lips together.
"You should go see him." She spoke in a quieter voice and Donghyuck ran a hand down his face.

The kitchen door opened, revealing Chaerin who walked in, hesitant to interrupt.

"Hey sweetheart, how's the hellhound?" Jisung's Mum asked, her eyes glinted with love towards the girl she grew to love.

"She's still unconscious but... Jisung and I are still confused as to why she is the hellhound, weren't we supposed to know every newcomer into the hell world?"

Ga-eun, Jisung's Mum hummed, her black extravagant old wings grazed the walls as she pondered.

"Maybe she isn't a newcomer."

Donghyuck glanced up, his attention now turning to Ga-eun and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Her parents are Human..."

"My Dad...well turns out I'm not actually his."

He perked up, demanding eyes at the older Demon woman.
"Is it possible to pass on the Hellhound genes...I thought you get chosen."

Ga-eun traced her finger around the rim of her coffee cup that was filled with blood.
"Yes, it's rare."
"Who was the last hellhound?"

Yeah who do you think the last hellhound was 👀

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Yeah who do you think the last hellhound was 👀

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