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"Why would she assign the project knowing full well Humans and Demons don't get on well?" Aria scoffed and Na-eun shrugged

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"Why would she assign the project knowing full well Humans and Demons don't get on well?" Aria scoffed and Na-eun shrugged.

"What's the project about?"
"...we have to bake together."

There was a silence before Na-eun burst out laughing at the image of the Demon baking.

The chaos.

"Good luck."
"Hey girls."
Aria glanced up at the sound to see their friend Cho Jinhee.
Aria, Jinhee and Na-eun were basically best friends- Human best friends.

"I heard about your run in with Donghyuck." Jinhee commented and Aria groaned, throwing her head back.

"Don't even get me started, he infuriates me like no other."
"He's scary."
"He can suck my dick, thinking he's all prestigious-"

"Sometimes I think you have anger issues." Na-eun stated as she sipped on her drink and Aria glared at her.

"I can't be partners with him! I really can't, I'm going to go insane."
"It might not be that bad-" Jinhee stopped when she noticed Aria's glare and pursed her lips shut. "Yeah it might be a bit bad."

Aria sighed for the umpteenth time- wanting the ground to swallow her up and send her into her grave because by this point- nothing seemed more inviting.

"You're just being overdramatic, you might as well be a demon you bitch." Na-eun commented; Aria snorted out a laugh before pushing Na-eun harshly away.

"You know you love me!" Na-eun exclaimed as Aria began to walk away.
"I'd rather chop my ears off than to hear that voice again." She commented wryly.

"Hi Chenle!" Aria exclaimed, her demeanor changing drastically as she now had a wide grin on her face.

"The hell..." Na-eun trailed off, "I think she had multiple personalities sometimes." She muttered and Jinhee rolled her eyes as they both walked to lesson.

"How are you?" Chenle asked as they walked alongside each other, weaving through the people in their way.

"I'm tired to be honest, how are you my angel friend?"
"I'm great thank you!"

The two of them indulged into a conversation, her laugh ringing through the hallway with the vibrantly pure boy next to her.

"Shut the fuck up Jisung I'll actually snap your neck." Chaerin raged out, glaring up at her boyfriend with her fists balled up.

Jisung's sighed, resting his head against the lockers as she began ranting at him.
"Why are you smiling, this is serious!" She exclaimed.
"You're just cute when you're angry."

"I'm going to wash my eyes and ears out with bleach." Donghyuck commented wryly, sending them a distasteful glance.

"Shut up Donghyuck."
"Or what midget." He tested and Chaerin raised a brow.
"Are you talking back to your leader."

Donghyuck maintained eye contact with the girl before scoffing.
"Just keep your couple shit to a minimum okay." He muttered, chest ablaze of heart wrenching memories of his last love.

"You're cute when you're angry Hyuck." Seyeon beamed, scrunching her nose up as he spun her around and her laugh echoed through the grassy fields.

Chaerin and Jisung both exchanged a sympathetic glance before Chaerin patted Donghyuck's shoulder.

"She isn't worth it Donghyuck, she's the one missing out."
Donghyuck laughed wryly and shook his head.
"She's the one living her life like we were never in love, like everything we were was nothing." He scoffed out, tugging his hair with his fingers- becoming angry.

"Look at her!" He exclaimed, looking over at Seyeon who ran her hand through her newly dyed blonde hair, smirk on her lips as she spoke to a boy.

"Uh excuse me," a voice cut through the air and the girl- who was Aria- tried to get past Seyeon.

The Demon glanced over at the Human girl, looking her up and down with a disgusted look before turning back around.

Aria's eyebrows shot up at the bitchy glare.
"I said, excuse me." She emphasized clearly.

"Yeah I heard you the first time." Seyeon commented.
"So, then move."
"Are you seriously talking back to a Demon, do you have a death wish?" Seyeon laughed, mocking the girl.

The hallway became silent watching the tension rise.
"Why is she such a bitch now?" Renjun commented with disapproval.

"Listen Soyoon," Aria began with a blank look. "Acting like it's funny for not letting people pass through doesn't make you better than me or popular- it's just childish. So move."

"It's fucking Seyeon you bitch."
"I don't care."
"You'll care when I rearrange your ugly face."
"Again, I don't care."

Seyeon inched closer with her tongue running over her fangs.
"You're starting to piss me off."

Aria's face remained blank, holding eye contact before pushing past the girl to walk down the hallway.

"Yeah, well don't waste your breath."


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