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Aria sighed for the umpteenth time, staring her bored and tired eyes at the tall grand blood red celling; she felt herself slipping deep within the thoughts that consumed her

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Aria sighed for the umpteenth time, staring her bored and tired eyes at the tall grand blood red celling; she felt herself slipping deep within the thoughts that consumed her.

There was something rather calming yet it left her unsettled as she even felt that way in the first place. It was soul consuming- the warmth around her lulled her into tranquillity.

Aria sat up on the oddly comfortable sofa, the eerie silence ringing in her ears; her throat dry and there was no noise whatsoever which left her in a state of loneliness.

Her eyes trailed over to the door, the pitch black trailing into nothingness and she pulled Chaerin's sweater closer to her body- standing up on her feet and the only light resource being the brightly lit fireplace.

A string of small meows brought her to glance at the two cats near the fireplace.
She watched cautiously as Princess drowsily woke up but almost immediately slipped back into a sleep.

Aria sighed thankfully and began to walk towards the kitchen door- she slowly and as quiet as possible, opened the door.

No one was in there which allowed the girl to grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it up with water as she stayed in her thoughts.

It was all too sudden, too much and she couldn't process it fast enough- feeling overwhelmed- she went to sit down at the kitchen isle.

Aria looked down at her hands, could she emit fire like the rest? Did her job include killing people? Was she a monster?

Too deep in thought, she didn't notice the kitchen door opening and her eyes fell to the sudden movement.

He walked in unknown to her presence due to the fact he was amidst buckling his belt and his freshly washed, damp hair falling over his forehead effortlessly, the white towel hung haphazardly on his shoulder which stood out amongst his dark clothes.

From the angle he was in, his lipring shimmered from the light above his head and his brows drew down in concentration- the veins in his arms bulging at the tension of his actions.

Donghyuck walked further into the kitchen, finally looking up to see the girl sitting there at the kitchen table, her tired eyes watching him yet it didn't quite look like she was overly interested as her thoughts consumed her.

"You're up early." He began, his voice deeper, rougher than usual- coaxing the hoarseness down with him clearing his voice.

"Didn't sleep."
If he cared or even took any interest, he didn't show it, keeping his mouth closed as he walked towards the fridge.

She eyed the bags of blood inside, it making her stomach churn at the sight and he reached into the fridge, only to pause and hover is hand over the crimson bags.

Donghyuck glanced back at the girl, watching as she quickly looked away at the thought of watching him down a bag of blood out of normality.

He tore his eyes away from the girl, his hand moving to the cold bottled water instead- kicking the fridge closed.

"Do you die if you don't drink blood?" She asked curiously as Donghyuck took a sip of his water, raising his slitted brow.

"No, it weakens you."
She hummed in recognition and sighed, rubbing her eyes.
"Was the sofa uncomfortable?" He asked nonchalantly, rubbing the towel over his dark hair.

"Yeah, some dickhead demon made me sleep on a sofa in a house that's in hell."
A small deep laugh escaped his lips at her tone and he began to run his fingers through his hair to tame it.

"I mean I did offer you a chance to sleeping in my bed-"
"Pervert." She mumbled with a roll of her eye and he gave her a mischievous cheeky smirk.

"Well, you should go get some rest- we don't want an incompetent Hellhound now do we?" He began to saunter off and then stopped at the door.

"I'll be out for the day, don't miss me too much."
"In your dreams."
"How did you know?" He joked before opening the door. "You know where my room is, just go sleep there."

Before she could say anything, the boy had swiftly left through the door, leaving the girl sighing and looking away from the door with a ghost of a smile on her lips.

Before she could say anything, the boy had swiftly left through the door, leaving the girl sighing and looking away from the door with a ghost of a smile on her lips

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