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"I love you Aria

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"I love you Aria." He spoke again.

The air stilled, all noise falling silent as his confession left his lips and nerves swirled inside him when he looked into her eyes for any sign she felt the same.

Aria was completely taken aback, still holding onto the boy for dear life as her legs felt even more unstable than before.

Knocking ferociously on her chest, her unruly heart beated so fast she felt as though her brain was scrambled and all she could hear was the unrhythmic pounding.

Mouth parted in shock slightly and breath hitching as she stared up at his gold swirling orbs that mixed with red to accentuate his Demonic side.

"You..." She spoke, her voice much quieter than before as she heard those words and it swirled around her head on repeat.

All sound was cut, the ringing in her ears grew and the unknown feeling bloomed in her chest and it swelled with so much love she couldn't hold it.

She couldn't help it as tears gathered unknowingly in her eyes and the feeling of pain slithered into her heart.

Donghyuck panicked, his eyes inching open in shock as he began to feel the guilt.
"Oh- I'm...you don't- I'm sorry! Why are you crying, Belle?" His worried eyes narrowed softly into hers.

She shook her head, throat clogged with emotion and eyesight blurred by her tears.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he began.

"No one's ever told me they love me before." She spoke, her voice thick with emotion and cracking into a whisper as tears traced down her cheeks.

The feeling broke him, the confession she made of not ever hearing those words broke him.

"Belle," he said softly, lips pulling into a frown as he placed his hands on the sides of her face to tenderly brush away her tears as they kept falling.

She couldn't describe the feeling, it felt like all those years of pain had finally crashed down on her.

Aria never felt that parental love she longed for, the one that left a hole in her heart that grew and grew.

It weighted her down the whole of her life, jealousy coursing through her veins at the sight of loving families. She hated her life, she slept with tears staining her cheeks and soaking her pillows.

The feeling of neglect and being unloved stayed with her forever, growing up with toxicity instead of love.

It came to a point where the girl believed she was incapable of being loved or even loving someone. Never once had they said the three words she wished to hear.

How can you know something you've never seen?

All of those years of feeling unloved, all of those years of torture felt as though they came to an end as he filled the wreck in her heart they burned in her.

She cried, it becoming louder as he wrapped his arms around her to embrace her in his warmth in attempts to make her feel better.

Fists gripping the material of his shirt as she cried all of her pent up sorrows.

Aria bit down on her bottom lip, pulling away from him as his hands stayed on her- looking down at the girl with immense worry.

Through her gleaming tears, she smiled.
"I love you too Donghyuck."


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