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Welcome to season two ;)

Welcome to season two ;)

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My sweet, beautiful little girl.

There's so much I want to say to you, so much to explain but unfortunately, I can't.

I am unable to keep myself breathing without feeling the pain filling up my lungs and electrocuting my heart.

I am unable to see you, see how you grow into the beautiful, perfect Woman I know you'll become.

Truthfully, I am upset. I'm upset at myself for making this decision but it's what I have concluded would benefit me most right now. It isn't anyone's fault but mine.
I did this to myself and I don't want you to feel guilty.

Don't be upset at yourself, be upset at me, be angry at me. Yes, I'm the worst Father in the world- I know.

I wish I could see your first crawls, first steps, runs and words. I wish I could watch you begin school with the uniform that's ten times bigger because I'd say it's 'saving money'.

I wish I could see your bright smile and big eyes- I wish I could see you entering high school, falling in love for the first time.
Be there as you cry into my shoulder about your first heartbreak.

The day you get married, I wish I could be there to walk you down the isle.

I wish many things, things that are impossible to become true.
Reluctantly, I have agreed to not see you for your own good and it's killing me inside sweetheart.

If only things could be different and I could hold you close to me forever.

I'm ashamed of who I am, I am ashamed of being a Hellhound. It tears me up inside and rips at my heart everytime I take a person's soul away from their body.

The feeling of their pain is indescribable and I know if I lingered around you longer, you'd inherit the traits.

Your Mother is equally upset, she's distraught and yearns to keep you as her daughter.

However, the more you are surrounded by creatures of death- you'll become a Hellhound.
We want to shield you from this, I want to shield you from this and keep you safe forever.

I can't let you spiral like me, end up here drinking my days away with no concept of life. I have lost myself Daiyu, I don't want you to lose yourself either.

Ah, don't mind my handwriting right now...Princess is quite clingy right now.
Princess- I found her in Hell as she was abandoned.

I believe she's not an ordinary kitten but I guess I don't know much about cats anyway.
She's gorgeous, her orange eyes reflect yours when you were born.

I wish you could meet her and fall in love with her as I did. I look at her and it reminds me of you- my sweet, precious daughter.

This wasn't an easy decision to make at all, I hope you aren't upset at yourself or your Mother.
It isn't her fault, nor is it her family's fault.

They loved you as soon as they saw you but if only things were different.

Don't mourn me when I'm gone, smile because I'm always there. I'm always there Daiyu- I promise.

If they let me, maybe I'll watch over you and invisibly kick some ass to protect you.

I wonder where in life you'll be when you find this, I wonder if you detest and despise me or feel differently?
I wonder if you're living as a Human or with your Mother.

Maybe you're married with kids or just a young girl.

Remember, I cherish you with all my life. You are the reason I can leave saying I had a purpose in life- you are my purpose.

But it hurts me too much to stay.

I'm sorry, I'm incredibly sorry that we can never meet due to the circumstances but I never, ever lived a day without loving you.

If it happens, if you ever become like me...I want you to find someone. They're a couple, they go by Go Aera and Minho, my best friends actually.

I do hope it wouldn't come to this but I have no idea what's in store for you sweetheart.
They know about you, they know what I wanted to give you.

I don't know if this will ever actually reach you, maybe this letter was meaningless.

It's my time to go now Daiyu, I'm ready to move on from this painful life and smile as I leave when I think about you.

The best thing that's ever happened to me, my own blood- my daughter.

My sweet, beautiful little girl Daiyu, I love you.

-Your Father.


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How we feeling about the letter from her Dad?

What's next to come after the bite, who knows?


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