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"Where is she!" The Demon yelled out, grabbing the material of Jaemin's shirt, pushing him against the brick wall as Jeno tried to seperate them

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"Where is she!" The Demon yelled out, grabbing the material of Jaemin's shirt, pushing him against the brick wall as Jeno tried to seperate them.

"Tell me where she is!" The vein in Donghyuck's neck had began to bulge out, his eyes flashing a deadly red and black wings outgrowing past Jaemin's sight.

"S-she-" Jaemin choked out, clawing at Donghyuck's hand.
"Donghyuck, let him go." Jisung commanded and the Demon growled, harshly pushing him.

Jaemin stumbled on the ground, coughing to regain stability and he looked up to answer.

"I don't know-"
Donghyuck was beyond enraged, crouching down besides Jaemin and gripping his collar.
"Fucking tell me what happened." He seethed, tightening his grip.

"Okay, okay-"
"Hurry up." He hissed, fangs barred and his veins glowing a shade of deathly red.

"A Demon came to see me, looking for her. He said his name was Morte."
Donghyuck froze, his whole world crumbling.

"Who is he?" Chaerin asked, clutching Jisung's arm tighter as they all watched Donghyuck with equal desperation.

"He calls himself Death- because he wants to rule earth, wants to take over it and make it evil."

"Why does he want Aria?"
"He doesn't, it's me he wants." Donghyuck stood up with voided stoic eyes, clenching his fists.

"When I turned I was bloodthirsty, I killed his Human girlfriend- so he killed my Mum." Donghyuck spat out and panted angrily.

"Wait...Morte, isn't he-"
"One of Seyeon's Demon bitches? Yes."

She was sitting in one of the abandoned alleyways with her friends, laughing until the Demonic boy showed up- surprising them all.

"Wow, I haven't seen Donghyuck since he was your little bitch." One spoke, eyes running up and down the length of him.

However, his slitted- angry eyes remained on Seyeon, striding over to her with his black enraged wings looming over him.

The men that were too busy chugging blood bags and tormenting new arrivals turned to look at the commotion.

"Did you miss us that much Haechan?" One cooed mockingly.
"It's Donghyuck." He spat back, eyes flashing and fists clenched.

"Damn since when did he become so angry? It's kinda hot tho, Yeon you should have kept him." One of the girl spoke, sipping the last of her drink and walking off to get a refill.

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