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"Something is going to happen

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"Something is going to happen." Chaerin spoke, arm linked with Aria's as they walked through the halls.

The Hybrid girl glanced around, the Demons and Angels that were all sporting grave, serious faces.
The atmosphere had changed detrimentally amongst the supernatural.

Aria turned around at the sound of the Angel's voice, smiling at him.
"Hey Jaem, how have you been?"

He shrugged, clearly bothered by something.
"We're all on edge...it's not a god situation for us Angels either."

Aria nodded in acknowledgement, frowning slightly.
"We'll all be fine just as long as I protect the stone right?"

"You make it sound easy." Chaerin spoke, eyeing the necklace.
"Anyone could manipulate you and get it."

The three of them began to walk towards the cafeteria, Aria's mind full of thoughts when a presence invaded her space.

A hand clasped over her wrist, making her jolt as she glanced at the narrow eyed girl.

"Come with me."
"Good morning to you too Seyeon." Aria muttered bitterly before sighing and following the girl.

"Hyuck told me why he came to see you, I didn't take you as the type to help." Aria spoke, looking around the empty class room.

"Yeah, I'm full of surprises." The girl spoke before shaking her head to get herself back on track.

Seyeon turned to face Aria, eyes falling to the necklace around her neck.
"This is bad."

"What do you mean?" Aria asked, furrowing her eyes at Seyeon's serious, paled face.

She eyed the Demon curiously as she walked closer till the scent of her floral infused perfume wafted towards the girl.

Seyeon's reached up, her cold fingers brushing Aria's neck and trailing to the chain when she hissed.

Confused, Aria flickered her eyes between the girl and the necklace as Seyeon gulped.

"Who have you been with?"
"Who...who did you get this from?"

"The necklace? My Dad left it with his friends."
"And what were they?" She interrogated.

"Witches or something? I don't know fully-"
"You're fucked."

"Gee thanks Seyeon."
Seyeon rolled her eyes, pointing at the gemstone.

"Take the necklace off."
"Dude..." She trailed off, eyeing Seyeon curiously. "Are you gonna try and take it so you can use it."

"Aria honey, if I wanted evil creatures to come back would I be panicking right now?"
"I mean touché." Aria shrugged before wearily reaching up to take it off.

However, every time she lifted it off her skin- jolts of pain shot through her body and it was impossible to take it off.

"What?" She uttered out in shock, trying to pull it off of her neck and Seyeon sighed deeply.

"It's a spell, someone casted a spell on it."

"This can't be happening." Renjun muttered out, rubbing his temples as he watched Donghyuck attempt to get the necklace off the girl without hurting her.

"Ow!" She exclaimed, gripping onto Donghyuck's wrists to stop him.

Donghyuck frowned, internally panicking as he pondered on it before turning to Seyeon.
"Do you think Ayana can break the spell?"

The Demon girl hummed, thinking about it.
"I'll be back." She said, disappearing into a pit of black smoke.

Chaerin glanced up at Jisung who was flicking through his phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Mum said she's dating someone who's involved in magic."

"He better be nice."
"I'm pretty sure it's a she."
"What? Oh my God, really?"

Jisung nodded.
"It's probably a witch now that I think about it."

"Hyuckie you're hurting me." Aria said scrunching her nose up in pain and discomfort and Donghyuck let go off the necklace despite his hands searing with pain.

"Shit." He cursed. "What's going to happen?" He looked up desperately at his friends.

Jisung bit at his bottom lip, looking up.
"Anyone who wants the necklace won't stop till they get it, even if it means prying it from her dead body."

The person who had opened the door, halted with her hand on the door handle- pinkish lips parted in shock.

Her eyes widened at Jisung's words as she glanced around at the Demons- throat becoming dry.

"Oh, sorry I got the wrong room." She spoke, her sweet melodious angelic tone infiltrated through the room.

It made them all snap their attentions towards the door.
She had straight brown hair cascading down her back, light brown doe eyes.

She had a petit small frame, no taller than 5'1- straight posture and the white dress on her body accentuated the purity that surrounded her.

She was beautiful.

Renjun was leaning against the table, his hand by his mouth as he pondered on something but he glanced up at the sound of the intruder.

The Demon boy had to do a double take as he identified the girl, glare hardening and eyes slitting red.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl's breath hitched, halting in place.
"Uh- I...sorry for interrupting." She apologized, quickly exiting the room before they could say anything.

"Who was that?" Aria asked and Renjun almost sneered as he scoffed.

"A fallen angel."


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