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I can't stop myself from falling down

Her cries had ceased and it was possibly around half and hour to an hour later as she sat with her knees up to her chest- voided eyes staring aimless, numbly at the city.

It was so bright, vibrant- then there was her who was holding onto little pieces of who they all were.

The pain and heartbreak was indescribable and the forcefully pulling and twisting of her heart made her chest pain detrimentally.

She clutched the family pendant around her neck in her tight fist, the sharp edges piercing into her skin but no amount of pain could equate to what she felt.

She wasn't too sure what she was even feeling, did she deep down know inside? Did she hope it was all a big dream and they'd wake up with smiles on their faces?
Did she hope that for once, once she'd feel an ounce of parental love?

Aria began to feel unable to be loved, inept to be given any slight indication she even meant something- anything.

Her thin t-shirt left her exposed to the cold yet she felt as though her senses hd been closed off and all she could feel was the feeling of heat carrying through her.

Stomach churning and gut wrenching with grave intent of damage to her that shocks shot up her body in the pain of feeling inadequate.

So it was her fault after all.

"Are you stalking me now?"

The sound of his arrogant, smooth voice filled the broken, deprecating air and it made her heart jolt in surprise but she didn't dare turn around or move.

Donghyuck's nose crinkled up and eyes narrowed at her lack of reply yet he paid no mind, letting his cat run around the surface of the cliff as she usually did.

Princess stopped in front of Aria, it being out of character for her as she stared the girl in the eye.

Aria glanced down at the black cat and as she did a lone tear escaped her eye and the sounds of whimpering from the cat filled the air, perking up to look at Aria with her glassy orange eyes.

The Demon was shocked at the sudden sadness his cat displayed and was unsure of why.

The whimpers continued until he began to walk closer.
"What's wrong Princess?"

He crouched down besides the cat, not far from the girl who pursed her lips shut to avoid any sound of heart wrenching cries.

Princess kept her eyes on Aria, unmoving and she let out another echoing whimper, Donghyuck furrowing his brows at the cat and running his hand down her back comfortingly.

"Whats-" he turned his head to the side, unsure of what Princess was looking at and his eyes landed on Aria's tear stained broken demeanor.

He froze, his eyes lingering on her sad state yet she hadn't looked him in the eye as she normally did, instead she looked at the cat- not in the right frame of mind to argue with him or take any insults.

"Were you...crying?" He asked almost hesitantly, not seeing her emotional ever- it left him unknown of what to even do.

There was no reply, not trusting her wavering voice and he didn't move either, his hand halted on the cat's back and his eyes raking over her face.


Finally, her glassy bloodshot eyes drew up to his that was softened in worry?

Unable to keep the eye contact for long, she looked away, wiping her face rid of tears before leaving her palms pressed to her eyes in hopes it would become a barrier for incoming tears.

He was truly at a brick wall, unsure if he was meant to comfort her or turn the other way and leave her.

Princess whined again, nudging her nose in Aria's foot and Donghyuck watched her before looking back up at the girl who still was covering her eyes.

"Are you okay?"
The question made him cringe, rubbing the back of his neck as he was at a loss of words.

"No." She whispered out, her voice wavering and verging of cracking- filled with emotion.

He opened his mouth to speak but clamped it shut afterwards, sighing and glancing away and towards the lit up city.

"I don't know what to say." He admitted and there wasn't a reply at first.
"Nothing." She replied, letting out a breath of air before dropping her hands and shakily getting up to her feet.

He looked up at her as she stood, turning around and beggining to walk with her heart heavy in her chest.

He looked up at her as she stood, turning around and beggining to walk with her heart heavy in her chest

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