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Tears brimming her pained eyes and he stood up from the couch, the black sleek cat scurrying off him as he did

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Tears brimming her pained eyes and he stood up from the couch, the black sleek cat scurrying off him as he did.

Donghyuck's eyes slitted at her with his brows furrowed and the first instinct of protectiveness grew stronger once the first tear fell.


The sheer almost desperation and distraught toned voice she spoke out was followed by an almost hiccuped cry.

It tore him inside and the fire ignited gravely within as he began to near stride towards her; she also walked towards him.

"Hyuck, I s-saw-" her voice was promptly muffled by the black thin t-shirt that adorned his body- her teary eyes soaking his chest as one of his hands supported her head, the other one around her back.

He was unsure of what to say, his mouth becoming dry and the pit that squeezed inside him tightened as she cried.

Aria's hands gripped onto the material by his back, it clenching in her fists and she brought herself as close to him as she possibly could to bask into the warmth- it calmed her frantic disturbed mind.

Not long after, his hand began to drag down her back and her cries subsided into sniffles and shaky breaths she attempted to catch.

His grip was a blissful warmth that surrounded her, making her unable to find the will to pull away and she had calmed down into now emitting shallow breaths.

"I-it's like I can feel it all," she began, eyes shut tightly. "When they die, how they felt-"

"You don't have to do it."
"But, I'm a hellhound-"
"Jisung can rid you of your hellhound qualities if you ask him." Donghyuck muttered against her hair, the scent of her shampoo overdriving him into wanting to keep her in his grasp forever.

Aria was silent as she debated it in the midst of her scrambled mind when Renjun walked through the doors.

"Oh hey Aria- Donghyuck I'm hungry, let's go feed."

"Hey Aria."

The Hellhound sat in her homeroom, in a daze with her sight out of the window- the cold drafts of air blowing through her hair.

She was pulled out of her trance when her sight landed on Na-eun who stood by her desk.

"Oh...hey Na-eun." Aria spoke, a small smile on her lips as the Human girl stood there awkwardly.

"I just wanted to speak to you," Na-eun began, taking the seat in front of her and turning it around to face Aria.

Aria was confused by the sudden need to be awkward and confrontational but she patiently waited for the girl to say something.

Na-eun was hesitant, clasping her hands in front of her with her elbows on the desk, hands joined in front of her mouth as she stared at Aria.

"I'm sure Jaemin told you we broke up..." Na-eun began and Aria slowly nodded, unsure of where it was headed.

Na-eun gave out a wry chuckle before speaking.
"I heard you like him."

Aria's blood ran cold, the words and air knocked out of her as the words were spoken bitterly.
Na-eun took a deep breath before continuing to speak.

"I would have preferred you to have told me you liked him before you went behind my back."

"What...I didn't go behind your back-"
"It's okay, you don't have to lie- I know were talking shit about me to Jaemin just to want him to yourself- and I guess your plan succeeded." Na-eun quipped, standing up.

Aria looked at her in utter shock, confused.
"I didn't think you'd be so low, I'm really disappointed."

Wow well👀

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Wow well👀

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