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"Hey there

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"Hey there."

The Blue haired Angel glanced up at the sound of her voice, meeting her eyes and the smile that beamed at him.

"Hey Aria, how are you?" Jaemin asked with his own celestial rays of happiness radiating from his lips.

The girl walked over to him, sitting besides him with her own feet dangling off the edge of the building.

"It's dangerous." He gasped, his hand grasping on her arm in worry and she rolled her eyes. "You might fall Aria."

The girl raised her brow, swinging her feet slightly as the cold air skimmed past her.
"Well I guess those wings will come to use then, you can just catch me." She joked, nudging him and he scoffed out a laugh with a shake of his head.

"How are you feeling?" She asked with a softer voice and Jaemin shrugged despite the slight smile on his lips.
"I'm okay."

"Just okay?" She asked with furrowed brows and he sighed.
"I miss her." He admitted, with his eyes shut and Aria's gaze remained on his face as a pang of jealousy hit her.

"I miss everything about her, about us. I wish we were still together and it's at times like this I wish I wasn't an Angel."

"Don't say that," she frowned and he opened his eyes to look at her.
"I loved her the best I could but it only hurt her."
"Unintentionally! it wasn't your fault-".

"It's okay, we were both at fault." He said, patting her knee before his eyes raked over the scenery below.

"Love is complicated." He began thoughtfully. "It's almost intoxicating and once you fall- you can't see anyone else other than them."

Aria tore her eyes away from him, feeling the burning behind her eyes and the tightening of her throat which indicated her emotions rising through tears. She blinked them away.

"Do you think...you would ever fall for anyone else Jaemin?" She asked softly, almost wanting to clasp her hands over her ears and be in the unknown rather than listen to her heart breaking again.

"Maybe." He admitted. "I guess...maybe Na-eun and I were too different, I don't think we understood each other as much as we wished we would."

There was a silence that followed and Aria bit her lip thoughtfully.
"What about you, ever been in love?" He asked with a glint of curiousity in his eyes.

His ethereal nature stood out with the sunrays beaming down on him and everything about him accentuated perfectness.

She couldn't look away from his eyes, breathless by his beauty- entranced.
"I don't know if it's love...or infatuation." She breathed out quietly, her dark eyes looking up at his lighter brown eyes.

His white wings brushed against her arm as he looked down at her, unsure of what or who she was talking about but yet he nodded respectfully.

"I understand that."
"You do?"
"Mhm...you like the thought of someone but when it comes to thinking about spending the rest of your life with them... something is holding you back."

The air around her felt suffocating as she bathed in her thoughts with the Angel besides her as she was torn between her feelings for him.

The air around her felt suffocating as she bathed in her thoughts with the Angel besides her as she was torn between her feelings for him

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So what do you think
Does Jaemin like her or 👀
Does she like him or 👀

Who knows

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