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I know how hard this quarantine shit can be for some people so I hope my books can be a safe place for you guys
You can always reach out to me if you ever need anyone to talk to, keep safe please x

I know how hard this quarantine shit can be for some people so I hope my books can be a safe place for you guysYou can always reach out to me if you ever need anyone to talk to, keep safe please x

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The gut churning, body shaking feeling of unfathomable heat fell over her body and it jerked her out of the chair; books falling off of her desk and in a hurry, she rushed to the bathroom.

Hunched over the toilet and heaving up everything she consumed that day until the the painful feeling of air being pushed out of her throat.

Tears blurred her vision and she gasped out, leaning against the wall with her head piercing with pain- flushing the toilet feebly before pulling herself up.

Stumbling, she found herself washing her hands and as she was about to rise her mouth out, a droplet of crimson blood fell onto her hand.

Frozen she stood, snapping her head up to gaze into her reflection and it sent a chill down her spine and it left her without words to say.

Blood seeped from the corners of her mouth yet the scariest part was her once brown eyes illuminating fiery orange- almost unrecognisable.

She was on edge the whole day at school, in case it happened again- the pent up anxiety and frustration resounding in her.

Aria groaned out at the sharp pains cutting through her head and once again her eyes flashed orange and she leant against the wall in the hallway- clenching her fists at the immense heat on her body.

"Aria?" Jaemin asked concerned, touching her arm but recoiled with a hiss at the burning sensation.

"Jaem, help I don't- argh!" She almost yelled out in pain, crumbling to her knees and Jaemin gasped- crouching besides her.

"Please, help I don't know what's happening- what's happening!" Her voice frantic and pain ridden, he was freaking out, unsure of what to do.

Aria's body shook, sheen of sweat coating her body and the sound of her body falling limp on the floor was heard before he could realise.

The door to the secretive demonic hangout place within the school burst open, revealing a troubled Chaerin followed by a worried Jaemin clutching a girl in his arms.

"Who the fuck let him-"
"Jisung, it's happening." Chaerin spoke out in a rushed tone.

"What's happening, someone tell me!" Jaemin exclaimed, holding the girl in his arms and soon Donghyuck's eyes fell to the commotion.

His eyes fell to the girl, looking away but then his eyes zeroed in on her unconscious state- standing up with his eyes narrowed.

"What happened to her?" He asked and Jaemin hurriedly put her down on the sofa, kneeling next to her with his shaky hands pressing a finger to her neck.

"She's alive-"
"What's happening?" Donghyuck almost demanded with slitted eyes and Chaerin shared a glance with Jisung.

"I wasn't too sure if it was her...I knew there was a hellish presence around us and then I saw how fearless she was with Seyeon but then it made sense when she said gets hot and-"

"Just spit it out."

Chaerin bit down on her bottom lip, her eyes darting from the unconscious girl to the older Demon.

"She's a hellhound."

Now before you guys go and search it up and found out it's a dog- Its not exactly what it is

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Now before you guys go and search it up and found out it's a dog-
Its not exactly what it is

So in this book a hellhound is basically bearers of death, guard the entrance to hell

In other words kinda like a grim reaper that takes the dead people or is around people who are about to die

They have orange eyes fangs
Super strength, speed, agility, shapeshifting, pyrokinesis/thermokinesis, supernatural immunity
(Love Google)

For the purpose of this, she's only immortal when she's activated her powers so otherwise, she's a human.

No she's not a demon (kinda)
Or his Soulmate
Or pregnant- well yes with my kid bye

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