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I always will love you

I always will love you

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Several months later

Aria sat with her legs in Chaerin's lap, smiling at her as she ranted about Jisung yet again, rolling her eyes.

"You guys are such idiots."
"Heard that." Jisung quipped, shooting Aria a glare to which she stuck her middle finger up.

"Junnie, is Mum here yet?" Aria called out to the boy in the kitchen, knowing he had company.

"No Dai, can you shut up now?" He called back, irritated and Aria scoffed.
"The disrespect." She stated, shaking her head in disapproval.

Aria swung her feet from Chaerin's lap, clapping her hands together as she stood up.
"Well, time for my daily cuddles." She said, joyfully walking out of the room and running up the steps.

"Princess, you're blocking the door my friend." Aria whined, staring down at the cat who made no effort to move.

"Don't give me those eyes missy." Aria raised a brow and Princess looked away before meowing, nuzzling her head on Aria's leg.

"Ah, okay then I guess you can join us." Aria gushed, stroking the black cat as she picked her up as kissing the top of her head as Princess purred.

Aria opened the door to her and Donghyuck's shared room, meeting his eyes as he layed on the bed, scrolling through his phone.

She gave him a wide mischievous grin and he eyed her.
"What do you want?" He asked and she didn't reply at first, letting Princess down before stalking over with her hands behind her back.

Donghyuck's flickered his gaze back to the girl, scanning her in confusion and weariness.
"What are you-"

Donghyuck was cut off by Aria practically jumping on him, wrapping her arms around him and head on his chest.

"At least warn me before breaking my ribs babe." He groaned out as she laughed, nuzzling further into his embrace as he let go of his phone to wrap his arms around her.

He squeezed her tight, pressing kisses to her temple.
"Ah, my little baby." He practically cooed, locking her in his arms.

"Baby my ass, you're the little spoon." She grumbled and Donghyuck fell silent.
"And what?" He challenged, narrowing his eyes at the girl who grinned up at him.

"So you're my little baby."
"I refuse you rat."
Aria gasped, sitting up in the bed with narrowed eyes.

"That's rude."
"That's just life baby." He shrugged smugly, winking at her dramatically and she rolled her eyes.

"I hate you dumb idiot."
"They mean the same thing."
"Yeah we'll you're so stupid I had to call you both!"

Donghyuck raised his brows in amusement.
"Okay, sure." He drawled out before, pulling her back down to wrap his arms around her.

They stayed like that for a while, princess curling up next to them as Aria sighed in bliss.

"I love you Hyuck."
"I love you too Belle." He mumbled against the crown of her head.

"Do you remember how we met?"
"How could I ever forget? You were a little brat."
"You literally wanted to kill me." Aria argued.
"Still do."

Aria chucked, pinching him as he yelped.

She gasped suddenly.
"I brought us matching bracelets!" She exclaimed, rushing out of his grip and to the drawers.

Opening it in excitement, she looked around for it but froze, expression dropping.
She turned out in panic, meeting his eyes.

"Yeah Belle, what's up?" He asked, scrunching his nose up in confusion.

"The stone is gone."

━ The End

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━ The End


I love this book so much wtf, it's the only book I genuinely love that I've written

I feel like it's been a lonnnnnng ass ride, it is my longest book so far to be honest though

What's the thoughts my culties

I really can't thank you guys so so so much for letting me write the books I love with endless support. I really wouldn't be here without you all

I'm happy you guys have enjoyed and the journey doesn't end, make sure to check out scream ;)

Scream is the last demon book in the Drippin' series btw


let's cry together bye

━ That's a wrap on Danger.

Danger ━ HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now