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That night the hellhound was stuck in her own thoughts, staring up at the bleak celling- the only light being the hallway light that illuminated through the crack in the door

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That night the hellhound was stuck in her own thoughts, staring up at the bleak celling- the only light being the hallway light that illuminated through the crack in the door.

She sighed, heart heavy as the distant sounds of her parents talking infiltrated through the thin walls.

"Her powers have already activated."
"Who's fucking fault is that? She's not even my child- I don't care!"

"Be quiet!" Her mother hissed. "She might hear."

Aria quietly got up from her bed, standing by her opened door, staring down into the hallway as she heard her parents continue to speak of her.

"She's 20, just tell her to get out."
"She's nearly 19!"
"Whatever, I don't want that Demon bitch in my house, do you know what people will say?"

Her mother was silent, ceasing her replies and Aria clamped her lips shut, turning away from the door with sadness seeping from her aching heart.

The hellhound shut her eyes, back against the wall in attempts to shut it all out and instead only one person appeared in her head and that's when everything went dark.

It all happened so quickly, almost as though it was like an out of body experience as she felt the air skimming hurriedly past her body.

Aria felt everything come to a still stop, allowing her to cautiously open her eyes. Thinking she'd see the familiar walls of her bedroom, it came as a shock when what she saw was the familiar sight.

The sloped cliff in front of her took her breath away; lo and behold, Lee Donghyuck stood there in all his glory- moonlight drew down on him.

Princess meowed out loud, purring into the air as she held her chin high, prancing around.

Still in a state of shock, Aria was confused as to why she had appeared here suddenly- a dream? Hallucination?

"What just happened?" Aria trailed off in confusion, her voice drawing attention from the Demon boy.

Hands in the pockets of his black sweats and as the girl walked towards him, closer she could see how long his hair had gotten as he ran a hand through it mindlessly.

"Where did you come from?" He inquired, not hearing her entrance and she was just as puzzled.

"I don't...I was in my room and now I'm..." Her voice resolved into nothingness, at a stump with her words as the demon boy quirked up his slitted brow.

"Hm," he hummed, pondering on it as his red stained tongue poked at the metallic lip ring. "You probably teleported."

"T-teleported?" She spluttered out in sheer shock, eyes wide as she looked up at him and his eyes slowly raked down fr her face to her body and a tantalizing smirk pulled at his lips.

"Nice Pajamas Belle."
"Shut up Hyuck." She groaned, realising she was still in her Pajamas- not that she even had time to change.

"Why did I come here?"
"The answer is simple isn't it?" Donghyuck drawled out, glancing down at her with a glint in his eyes that left her wanting to look away but she couldn't.

His dark brown eyes pooled into swirls of honey brown as he looked down into her own eyes, the sight catching her off guard, breath hitching as it juxtaposed his normal voided orbs.

Aria was almost entranced by his newfound appearance, forgetting to even reply as he turned his body towards her, facing the girl.

He let out a short lived deep chuckle, head tilted down before he drew his eyes back up, taking a step closer to her until the warmth around him almost encased her.

Donghyuck leant down partially, tilting his head as they became level and his eyes stared right back into hers.

"You were thinking of me."

And for the first time, it sent her heart lurching and the flush of warmth to her cheeks.

And for the first time, it sent her heart lurching and the flush of warmth to her cheeks

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