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After all, you're alone in the world despite the people that surround you

Aria was walking through the dimly lit pathway, cars sparking past her creating the flush of air to whirlwind around her

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Aria was walking through the dimly lit pathway, cars sparking past her creating the flush of air to whirlwind around her.

She sighed, the moonlit night casting over her with the accents of bright twinkling stars compelled her to relax her body- allowing herself to indulge into the comfort.

The girl's hand trailed up to her neck to where the black diamond sat, it was weightless and beautiful- skimming over it in awe.

Aria began to think of her Father, never having met him before yet with this one stone, she felt as though he had been with her this entire time.

Often she wondered if he was watching over her like a guardian angel of some sorts- smiling at her warmly and whispered words of encouragement despite the girl not knowing of his presence.

"Though I've never met you," she began, voice softly quiet- almost embarrassed as she began to speak out loud. "You might not be listening...but the off chance you are- couldn't you have stayed for me?" She asked, voice trailing into a whisper at the end as it hung in the air.

There was a deafening silence that consumed her, the overwhelming sensation drifting over her.

"I can't help but think about what it would be like if you stayed by my side...what if I never went to the Seo family? What if the burden you felt didn't drive you to take your own life..."

Aria spoke mindlessly, the thoughts weighting down on the girl before she let out a heavy sigh.

"I don't blame you, as long as you're happy now- I'm happy too."

She let a smile softly peak at her lips, a sad almost nostalgic smile even though she had never met him- the thoughts of him weirdly felt like home.

Aria remembered what she had come for, eyes gazing around till they found the place he wanted to meet.

The reminiscent sight of the swing set was taken up by Johnny who sat by himself, head tilted down as he waited for her.

"Hey you." Aria spoke, eyebrow raised at the boy. Johnny's head snapped up, zeroing in on her before plastering a smile.

"Hey, how have you been?" He asked, Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped down the dryness in his throat- the two hadn't been keeping in contact that much.

The girl shrugged, taking the swing seat next to him- hands enclosing over the cold railing.

"It's all still overwhelming."
"Yeah, I bet..." He trailed off as a small silence consumed them.

"Do you remember... when we came here?" Aria asked, eyes gazing at the slide set- Johnny's eyes following it.

"Yeah, you were what- five?"
"It seems like yesterday honestly." She breathily laughed.

Johnny couldn't help but turn to look her, an unreadable emotions flashing through his eyes.

"You've changed a lot Ri, you look more happy." He spoke, gently rocking back and forth of his feet to push himself slightly.

Aria furrowed her eyes, nose scrunching up.
"You think so?" She asked, looking at him and he nodded before his eyes caught sight of the black gemstone around her neck.

Johnny's eyes raked over it for a few seconds, eyeing it before he spoke.
"What's that?" He asked, wondering if it held importance to her.

Aria hummed questioningly, furrowing her eyes before exclaiming an 'oh' of realisation.

The girl grasped the stone in her hand, the warmth of it casting shivers down her spine.

"It's just something from my Dad- my biological one." She spoke and he nodded. "Black diamonds are so pretty."

"It's Black Jade." He corrected quickly.
"I wouldn't take you as someone to know gemstones." She laughed and he also laughed before shrugging.

"I've seen a lot of stones in my time." He joked. "Chunhei loved black diamonds." He explained about his ex girlfriend.

"Oh..." She trailed off, the awkwardness filling over her.

"Anyway, so you finally found out about your Dad?" He asked curiously. "Did he leave you anything else other than the necklace?"
"He did but I haven't had time to look through it to be honest."

"He probably left some photos of him right? It would be nice for you to know what he looked like." Johnny said, staring up at the starry sky.

"...do they miss me, or even care that I've gone?" Aria asked, her throat seizing up at the question she asked and Johnny froze.

"Aria..." He trailed off and she sighed, bitterly chuckling to herself.
"They raised me for nineteen years and they never once cared."

There was a hand placed on her shoulder, Johnny sympathetically smiling.
"I know they didn't like what you were but I've always been jealous of you, you know?"

"But you didn't know I was a hellhound..."

Johnny's head shot up.
"No, I mean who you were as a person Ri- you were always so happy and radiant yet stood up for yourself...I admired it you know."

Aria couldn't help but smile, placing a hand over his that was on her shoulder.
"I'm glad I have you Johnny."
"I'm glad I have you too Ri. Real siblings or not, I'm glad I got to know you more than anyone."


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