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You are the cause of my happiness

Chaerin and Jisung were sat at his desk as he tapped his foot impatiently against the ground, the clicking of the clock echoing painfully around the room

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Chaerin and Jisung were sat at his desk as he tapped his foot impatiently against the ground, the clicking of the clock echoing painfully around the room.

Aria let out a groan, letting her head fall back on the arm rest- her legs thrown over Renjun's lap as he mindlessly played on his phone.

"Hey asshole, do you not care about what's going on?"
Renjun tore his eyes from his game, staring at his sister before shrugging.

"We die- the end. Great life."

Aria huffed, rolling her eyes as she leaned back on the arm rest.
"You know, there must be a reason for the spell on the necklace...other than it holding all the creatures."

"Yeah...what if when the spell breaks it breaks another spell we don't know about?" Jisung commented and Chaerin hummed, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"This feels oddly nostalgic, another battle." She mused and Renjun snorted a laugh.
"Good old Satan."

Jisung shot hard glares at Renjun before holding Chaerin closer to him, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

Aria trailed her hand to her neck, the feeling of the stone in her hand became oddly soothing.

"I can't even take it off...if I can't then surely someone who wants it will."
"It's gonna be alright Ri." Chaerin said with a smile and soft eyes.

Renjun patted her leg comfortingly.
"Yeah Dai, if anyone is going to die- it's probably Chaerin."

"What!" She nearly screeched, mouth agape as she was rendered offended.
Renjun had a smug smirk on his lips, shrugging.

"Let's be real, you couldn't hurt a fly."
"Yes I could, I literally rule Hell you ugly shit."

Renjun narrowed his eyes at the girl.
"Say it again, I dare you."

The door clicked open, the sound making Aria jolt up immediately at the realisation of who it was.

Heart soaring as she got up from the sofa and discarded her friends who were bickering.

She spotted her boyfriend before he did, running over to him with a wide grin as she practically jumped on him.

He let out a short lived gasp of shock, stabling them immediately with his arms around her- her own legs hooking around his waist and arms around his neck.

"I missed you." She said with a pouted frown.
"I was only gone for the day." He laughed in adoration at the girl, smiling up at her as he pressed a welcoming kiss to her pouted lips.

"Yeah, too long." She muttered, brushing his hair out of his face as he began to walk up the stairs with her clinging onto him.

"I found out some things, you can only activate the stone with your blood."

He nodded, kicking the door open lightly and leaning down to let her sit on the bed as he grabbed his fresh clothes.

"And apparently the spell is broken when you activate the stone... I'm not sure what the spell is though." His voice became muffled by the bathroom door as she heard the shower begin to run.

Aria sighed, glancing at Princess who was curled up with Donghyuck's bunny.
"Do you know what's going on?" She inquired tiredly.

Her orange eyes bored into Aria's, letting out a few meow's and the hybrid girl shrugged.
"If only you could talk hey?"

Aria walked over to Donghyuck's wardrobe, picking out one of his t-shirts and way too big for her shorts.

"Why buy your own clothes when you have a boyfriend am I right?" She glanced back at the bed where Princess was.

Yet she wasn't there, instead she was stood peering out with window with slitted eyes.

"Yo, you good?" Aria asked, furrowed brows.

Princess turned to hiss at Aria, making the girl step back in surprise.
"Okay, sorry..." She trailed off, remembering she had left her phone in her own room as she exited the room.

Princess almost growled under her breath, tense as she hissed and hissed at the two blue eyes piercing through the window in the pitch black darkness of the outside world.

Princess almost growled under her breath, tense as she hissed and hissed at the two blue eyes piercing through the window in the pitch black darkness of the outside world

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