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The fact this now has more chapters than exhale

The fact this now has more chapters than exhale

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Donghyuck had a stone cold iced glare towards the group as they eyed him, his shoulders back and standing upright with confidence.

"How come you're here?" Seyeon asked confused, wondering if it was a repeat of the last time he came here.

"Are you finally back to us?" Ayana, the well known half witch half Demon asked with a smirk.
Donghyuck scoffed at the ebony beauty that accentuated her gorgeous features- black curly hair framing her face.
"Shut up Ana."
"Glad you have you back dumbass."

"I'm not here to join your sickening cult." He seethed and the girl shrugged, leaning her chin in her hand.
"What do you want?"

"I'm sure you've heard what's happening."
"Yeah, your girl has the stone and with that she'll unleash all of the creatures to ever walk this earth."

"She'd be stupid to let it get in the wrong hands."
"Don't underestimate the evil things that could easily manipulate the poor girl." Ayana scolded the bulky man who lowered his head.

"What exactly are you getting at?" Seyeon asked, eyeing Donghyuck.
"You guys are the only ones who have seen what these creatures can do- you know it better than anyone."

Ayana exchanged a glance with Seyeon.
"We practically used you as a fun experiment, we tortured you and you want our help?" A voice enquired, the werewolf named Heesung spoke up with raised brows.

Donghyuck was silent for a moment, realising he had became desperate for help and he pursed his lips.

"Listen, if you're going to make fun of me because I used to be your sick little-"
"We aren't going to make fun of you." Seyeon spoke nonchalantly tapping her fingers on the armrest before nodding over to Heesung.

The werewolf was quick to grab the IPad from the side, hesitantly handing it over to Donghyuck.
"Plus, we stopped that shit a while ago."
"Charming of you to only just stop." Donghyuck muttered out and she sighed.

"Anyway, we've been keeping an eye out, seems as though the creatures in hiding are planning to come out when the stone is activated."
"Like who?" Donghyuck asked with furrowed brows.

"You know who Donghyuck, every single person who wanted to turn everything into a living hell for everyone in it."
"Like Morte?"
"You thought Morte was bad? Damn...you should have seen the battle in the Demonic world a few years before you entered..."

"Shit was rough." Ayana spoke up in nostalgia. "It nearly ruined Hell and broke into Earth- it was that bad. They all were trying to rule Hell so they could make it theirs."

Seyeon nodded.
"This time, with that stone...they won't try to overtake Hell."
Donghyuck's head snapped up with wide eyes.
"They want to rule earth?"

She nodded.
"And they want every single being as their brainwashed slaves."

"Wait, how can I know that I trust you?"
"I mean I guess you don't know fully but trust me, we don't want that to happen."

"Things have been quiet without you Haechan." The boy spoke after a while.
"Stop calling me that." He scowled and Heesung laughed, patting his back.

"I'm glad you've found yourself man."

It was one of the many dark sides of the Demonic world; a system you could never escape without scars.

In fact, it started years and years back where the less able or weaker Demons were preyed on.

The vulnerable Demons who were indoctrinated to believe and be moulded into punching bags for their superiors.

Yoo Seyeon was an example, starting off her dark and torturous journey at a young age where the mental scars burned in her for eternity.

Until she turned Eighteen.

It was all so clear to her as she thought back on the memories which scarred her for life.
She was thrown out of being a rag doll for endless years and into a group full of desensitised Demons and creatures of evil.

"You'll be in charge here."
"What, what do you mean?" The girl asked confused as she looked at her Father that only smirked.

"What do you think Seyeon? It's their time now." He pointed over to the unconscious Humans piled on the floor.

"They're not worthy of being liking us so we must treat them as what they are-"
"You...you want me to-"

"Yes Seyeon, I want you to do exactly what they did with you." He whispered lowly into her ear, venom dripping with every word as he snaked his arm around her waist.

"Now smile, it's your time to be shown to the rest." He said, plastering a smile on his own face as his daughter stood ridged in her spot, eyes glued to the Humans.

"But...I can't torture t-them." She panicked, it making her stomach churn and then not long after she felt his nails digging into her skin.

"Oh, you'll do as I say- we wouldn't want your little sister and brother getting hurt now."
"You wouldn't." She gritted out with tears shimmering in her eyes. "They're only nine."

He hummed.
"Then, you know what you must do." Her father walked off with a large smirk.

Seyeon was left staring at the Humans on the floor, their lives practically flashing past them.

"I don't want to...I can't do that to someone."
"He wants us to hurt them or take their innocence by..."
"No." Seyeon almost shouted out. "We aren't...no. That's one thing no one should take from anyone." She seethed out, feeling bile rise up her throat as she remembered her experiences.

"I know we've been forced into this but you have to promise me something." Seyeon began as she glanced at the Demons and creatures.

"Promise me we won't be as bad as the rest."
"We promise you Seyeon." They whispered out as they glanced at the other groups who demonically began to do what they pleased with the Humans.

"Look at this boy, I'll make him my little whore."
"She doesn't need this leg, haha- rip it off."
"I wonder how good her blood will taste when I eat it with her guts."

"What the hell..." The girl trailed off in horror, squeezing her eyes tight as she tried to block out the sounds.

"Seyeon!" Her mother exclaimed from a distance. "What are you doing? Turn them!" She hissed.

 "What are you doing? Turn them!" She hissed

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A little insight into the whole Seyeon shit


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