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I'm not gonna make her into a dog but she has qualities of a hellhound smh what am I going to do with you guys

Y'all-I'm not gonna make her into a dog but she has qualities of a hellhound smh what am I going to do with you guys

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When she woke up in a blundering frantic mess, Jaemin and Chaerin thankfully there to fill her in.

Confused, utterly confused and it hadn't exactly slotted into her head, the fact she was a hellhound.
It did explain why her eyes weren't red like the Demon's and instead an orange.

Aria found herself overwhelmed as she layed in her bed, restless- tossing and turning.
Unable to fall asleep, she glanced at the clock that illuminated with the time 2:39 am.

Was she stupid? Yes.

Aria had her thin blanket around her body as she stepped onto the slopes cliff, reaching near the top to see the familiar figure seated on the floor as he stroked his cat.

"So, does this mean I can legitimately beat you up now?"

Donghyuck's head turned back at the sound of her voice and his eyes ran over her frame, wondering if she had really recovered but she soon seated herself next to him.

"Hellhound..." She trailed off. "Honestly I think I'm in shock I don't believe it." She muttered and he hummed, leaning back on his palms as Princess climbed onto his lap.

"But am I still a Human?" She asked confused and the boy nodded.
"Hellhounds....well from what I know anyway, they're still Humans but can't die in their demonic forms as they're literally the protectors of the supernatural world."

"Oh...wait so am like the gate watcher to hell?"
"Honestly Belle, I have no idea but I think Jisung is asking his Mum."

She sighed, letting the cold air bask around her and she pulled the blanket closer to her.
"Why am I still cold aren't I literally made from fire."
"You're in your Human form."

There was a comfortable silence and Aria glanced down at the cat on Donghyuck's lap- her orange eyes piercing into Aria's.

Hesitantly, Aria lifted her hand and hovered it near the cat, to which Princess hissed; Aria retracting her hand fearfully.

Donghyuck scoffed out a humourous laugh before his warm palm clasped over the back of her hand and lifted her hand to fall against the soft silky fur of the black cat.

"She isn't that mean once you get to know her." He shrugged, letting go on Aria's hand now she had her hand on the cat- hesitantly stroking it.

Small purrs rumbled from Princess, nuzzling into Donghyuck's lap and her eyes widened in awe at the cuteness of it.

"She's so...calm." Aria mumbled, turning her body to the side slightly to gain more access to her.

"It's 3am Belle, shouldn't you be sleeping?"
"What about you?" She asked back, "You're always awake."

"I mean Demons don't need to sleep, some do I guess."
"Wait, what about Jaemin?"
"What about him?" Donghyuck asked apathetically.

Aria sighed, putting her hand back into her lap, nuzzling into her blanket.
"He's my guardian angel but now what happens...I'm a hellhound."

"I think his mission was to protect you from knowing the truth, I doubt he knew the truth himself but he'll probably not be your guardian anymore."

"Does this mean my real dad is a hellhound?"
"Oh, why not?" She asked intrigued before Donghyuck spoke.

"You were chosen to be a hellhound Belle."
"By who?" She inquired and Donghyuck held eye contact with her before sighing- looking away.

"I think you've heard enough today, get some sleep."
He began to get up, walking away when she spoke again.

"Why are you so...nice to me now?"
He stopped, not answering back yet he heard every word.

"Don't worry, I'll bully you tomorrow."
"That's not what I meant asshole."
Donghyuck chuckled deeply.
"I guess your presence doesn't make me want to rip my eyes out as much."

"Wow." She quipped and watched as he began to saunter off with the black cat following him.

"Sweet dreams Belle."
"Night Hyuck."

Wait a damn minute did she say hyuck

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Wait a damn minute did she say hyuck

Also tho is the plot going too fast I'm not sure

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