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Shouldn't love you but I couldn't help it

Aria yawned for the umpteenth time that morning, running a hand through her tangled hair and took her glasses out from it to place on her nose

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Aria yawned for the umpteenth time that morning, running a hand through her tangled hair and took her glasses out from it to place on her nose.

She stole Johnny's sweater, opting for black leggings under it and the girl just couldn't be bothered.

The door to the classroom hadn't been unlocked yet so the girl leant against it, head on the wall with her eyes closed.

Aria's eyes slowly opened, landing on Chaerin who stood there alone and Aria glanced around her, not even finding Jisung who was basically always with her.

"Oh, hey..."
Chaerin took the initiative to join her side, leaning against the wall with her as she began to speak.
"I just wanted to speak to you," the Demon began and Aria furrowed her brows, glancing at the younger girl.

"About what?"
Chaerin hummed mindfully before speaking.
"How you were...you know after the whole Seyeon thing."
Aria laughed slightly and shrugged.
"Honestly she's irritating."

Chaerin eyed the girl before hesitantly speaking.
"How have you been feeling? Has anything happened..." She trailed off, her eyes raking over Aria as if she knew something.

"Uh, not really- why?"
"No, nothing...but if you need anyone to talk to or to ask any questions about, I'm here."

The teacher unlocked the classroom door and Chaerin walked around Aria, stopping.
"I was in your position once too."

"Put your Apron on you Demon!"
"I do have a name." Donghyuck muttered, hastily grabbing the apron as Aria tied her hair up.
"Yeah but you're not important enough for me to call you by your name." She retorted and he rolled his eyes.

"Instead of baking the cookies, I'll burn you."
"I'll steal your Gatto." She threatened with a dark gaze and he purses his lips at the amusing threat.
"She doesn't even like you."
"She probably doesn't like you, no one would like a rude Demon like you."

"Your point isn't valid." He spoke blankly, turning around to grab the recipe.
"Why not?"
"Because you're Human."
"That doesn't even make sense!" She fired back and Donghyuck arrogantly ignored her.

"Okay first..." She began, eyes raking over the paper as Donghyuck leant against the counter languidly. "Okay preheat the oven."

"I don't take orders from you."
Aria glowered at him, huffing and turning the oven on to the right number and his lips pulled into an arrogant smirk.

"Can you at least put the baking sheets into the thingy."
"Thingy?" He deadpanned and she pointed to the baking trays as she began to weight the ingredients.

"I can't get the right amount...fuck it, it doesn't matter." She muttered as Donghyuck returned back to see half the flour she was weighing had spilled.

"Cream together the butter and sugar until its light and fluffy." She read off before glancing at the boy.
"Go on then," she urged, pushing him to the counter and he groaned, betrudgingly beggining to half assed his efforts.

"It's lumpy." He deadpanned, lifting the spoon with the mixture unappealingly drooping down and she sighed harshly, watching as he lazily mixed it.

"It said until light and fluffy!"
"Who cares."
"Donghyuck!" She exclaimed irritated and he sighed, forcefully mixing it.

"It's still lumpy."
"Oh whatever," she mumbled, cracking the egg into the bowl and Donghyuck 'beated' it in.
"This reminds me of when I beat up my prey." He joked.
"I'll beat you up if you don't shut up."

He scoffed and narrowed his eyes at her.
"You're not even doing any work!"
"Yes I am, I'm making sure you're doing it right!"
"I swear to you, I'll throw you out of this window!" He argued back, dropping the spoon and stepping away and she gasped.

"Now you're not doing anything!"
"You weren't in the first place!" They both bickered before Aria exhaled deeply.

She began to mix in the flour, bicarbonate soda, completely forgetting to put the salt in.
"This looks wrong." She muttered and Donghyuck stepped closer, looking over her shoulder.

The heat radiated off of him and enclosed her like a comfort blanket and she elbowed him away.
"Go get the chocolate chips."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, walking over to the packet and making eye contact with Jisung who was on the verge of a breakdown as his girlfriend wouldn't allow him to do anything.

"Having fun?"
"No." Jisung deadpanned and Chaerin sent a cheeky smile.
"Yah, Chenle you're burning it you idiot!" Renjun yelled out.

"What about you?" Jisung asked, ignoring Chenle and Renjun's bickering and Donghyuck dramatically looked over at Aria.
"I want to pierce my eyeballs out."

"I heard that."
"Oh so now you listen? What happened to helping me earlier?" He asked back, grabbing the packet and angrily walking over.

The oven door shut and Aria let out a sigh, leaning back on the counter but before she relaxed, she caught sight of the salt and vanilla extract.

"Oh no." She spoke, gaining his attention as he sat on the chair, scrolling through his phone, he chose to ignore her. "Oh no." She panicked.

"What?" He spat out at her shocked expression.
"We forgot them!" She pointed to the ingredients and Donghyuck looked like he wanted to strangle her.

"It can't be that bad right?" She tried, rubbing the back of her neck before sighing. "It's bad."


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