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Could you find a way to let me down slowly

Could you find a way to let me down slowly

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Aria uttered out in complete disbelief, finding herself at a loss for words as Johnny's new found information seeped into her mind.

"So...wait what? Wait, you're telling me," she began, scrunching her nose up as she arranged her thoughts, then looking Johnny firmly in the eyes.

"I'm not biologically related to you at all?"
"...yes." He hesitated with the hurt he felt too.
She was speechless, her mind working overtime to try and make sense of the scattered mess.

"But...where did I come from, why- what happened- who are my parents? It doesn't make sense!"

Johnny's hands gripped onto her shoulders, crouching his head down to look her dead in the eye.

"Listen, nothing changes between us okay? You're still my little sister and I love you regardless of blood or not."

Aria nodded, her throat suppressing her needs to breathe, crawling up her throat with the nails that dug into her heart.

"Is there anything else?" She asked quietly, feeling her whole world spinning, handing onto a single thread of hope.

Johnny shook his head, sending Aria into despair.
"I'm trying to figure it out, I will- don't worry."

She couldn't say anything, unable to find the willpower to and instead she opted to nodding, tearing herself away with tears gleaming in her eyes.

"I need to go,"
"Where, Aria please-"
"I'm sorry, there's somewhere I need to be."

She stood anxiously at the gates, her body trembling with immense shock that was overriding her senses.

Uneven shaky breaths and everytime she breathed out it rattled her heart until she felt the sharp pangs electrocuting her body with shock.

It hasn't completely settled into her mind, that she was in fact, adopted. Her life completely flipping upside down in a matter of minutes and now she began to question her existence.

Who were her parents?
What happened to them?
Did they give her away?

Aria couldn't breathe, physically unable to inhale the air sufficiently enough to supply herself.

Eyesight dotting with black spots that made her head spin and the racing beats of her broken heart clogged up her head.

Hands immediately flying to her chest in some sort of mechanism to help grasp her erratic heart rate, wanting to hold it still in its place.

Aria felt lighting crackling through her veins, her whole body on overdrive- going haywire. Time seemed to cease to a stop, the air around her thick and heavy- eyes glazed over with the sheen of shock coating her.

She felt heavy, weighted down with the new found soul shaking information that wouldn't seem to ease at all.

Disoriented, she gripped the cold metal bars of the gate- rough in her hand so she gripped it tighter.

Knuckles a sheet of white, almost as if you could hear her hand cracking from the sheer amount of force exerted through her array of emotions.

It gripped her, the overwhelming crash of what she had been holding in up until now.

"Until when are we going to keep playing happy families?" His whisper shout cut through the air harshly.

"Please, the kids might be awake."
"Is that your only concern, when are you going to own up to your own mistakes! You, you got us into this mess and you sure aren't dragging me to hell with you."

"I know it's my fault, it's my fault and what? What do you want me to do? I've tried my hardest!"

"Well try harder because it's going to come back and bite you."
"Don't worry, no one will find out- it's our secret."



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