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Before she could even react, the Chinese boy was quick to leave in a flurry of emotions as he left to his Mother's house with his mind frazzled by the information

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Before she could even react, the Chinese boy was quick to leave in a flurry of emotions as he left to his Mother's house with his mind frazzled by the information.

"He killed himself on the cliff?" She uttered out, every sense of hers shutting down as her heart painfully clenched.

The hellhound qualities proving to overtake her Demon ones, making her a hellhound. However hellhounds were basically demons without the wings.

She didn't know how to react, too much was happening for her to process- she felt sick.

"I didn't know Princess was your Dad's..." Chaerin trailed off, equally in shock and Aria was hit by the sudden train or emotions.

Eyesight blurred as she took in a harsh breath of air, stumbling back in shock.
Everything she knew was a lie, everything.

Unstable on her feet, Donghyuck thankful stepped forward as her back crashed against his chest.

He was saying something yet it was all distorted to her, every sound muffled and her eyes frantically looking around but it was blurred by her tears.

The thumping in her chest rang in her ears and her warm blood rushed around her body.

Donghyuck's warm embrace was around her as he looked down at her in worry yet she couldn't respond.

Aria felt suffocated, struggling her way out of Donghyuck's grip and with shaky breaths, gasping cries she exited the house.

She was unknowingly hyperventilating as she exited the gates with Donghyuck following after her.

"Belle! Belle, please wait!" He shouted after her but she couldn't take the shock, disappearing into a pit of black smoke and he cursed to himself- transporting himself to where he knew she was.

The Demon reopened his eyes, frantically looking around the cliff with his ears ringing.

Aria was walking, stumbling up the cliff with her breaths shallow and painful. As she was walking, the thought of her biological Father jumping off of the cliff made her shock take over, crumbling onto her knees.

Soon she was surrounded by warmth, his faint scent infiltrating her nose as he held her up. He was behind her, arms supporting her from hurting herself.

"Aria, it's only me okay? Hey," he spoke but she felt like she was drowning on the air that wouldn't pass through her airways.

Throat clenching painfully as she panted, choking on her cries and her body shook.
Donghyuck panicked himself, kneeled down in front of her this time.

"Belle," he began, unsure of what to do as he was pained by her hurt.
His hand was placed on her shoulder, thumb brushing circles and the other hand tilted her chin up so she would look into his eyes.

"Breathe, okay? Slowly, it's okay." He said softly, comforting and encouragingly. "That's it, slowly." He murmured as in the moonlight she looked up at him and only him, blocking out everything around her to focus on him.

Eyelashes wet with her tears and cheeks flushed, hair messily falling out of its ponytail but Donghyuck swore she still looked as beautiful as ever.

There was a silence as she regained stability, controlled shaky breaths and body trembling.

He hesitated, torn with himself. Donghyuck moved his hand from her chin, the warmth of his palm resting on the side of her face as the pad of his thumb softly brushed her tears away.

Her eyelashes fluttered shut as he did so, melting into his warmth as her heart pounded for him instead of her shock.

Not long later, his actions stopped. Palm still resting on her cheeks but his throat began to dry up in nerves.

His warmth became more prevalent as he drew closer and his soft lips brushed over her forhead endearingly.

His warmth became more prevalent as he drew closer and his soft lips brushed over her forhead endearingly

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I think that's pretty good development if I say so myself ;)

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