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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ TWENTY

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˚· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ TWENTY

THERE THEY SAT, WARM FOOD PLACED in front of the two former partners. Misumi was apprehensively fidgeting with her clothes underneath the table cloth, anxious about interrogating the Shiratorizawa athlete.

Her brown eyes scanned his pointed jaw, his narrowed eyes appeared delicate, more than before. It was difficult for the words to be ejected and possibly harm the truce setting they had going on. But, she had to do it.

Her mouth unfolded, delaying her speech just for a second before cracking. "Why did you decide to come see me... after two years?"

Misumi fondled with her thighs softly, trying to rub away her nerves that whirled throughout her stiff body.

Semi hesitated to give an answer for a moment "Honestly, ever since we broke up I never stopped thinking of you Misumi."

Her shoulders tensed up at his words. She reached for her glass of cold water, hoping it would wash down the itching that sought to break free from her parched throat.

"What do you mean you never stopped?" His answer still seemed a little unclear, or maybe she was the one who asked such an ambiguous question.

He paused his quiet chewing, clearing his throat "I mean, ever since we broke up, I began to think of a way to better myself for you, and for us."

'The audacity this man has.' Misumi thought to herself. Does he think he can just come back into her life after so long and expect for Misumi to just get back together with him? Well, he was surely mistaken.

"I know what you're thinking, it's crazy that I just came back into your life and expect any kind of sympathy."

He was certainly right about one thing. It was indeed crazy, no, absurd of him to think such a way. For Misumi, it was like Semi never left. The memories he left behind scarred her self confidence and her conscience.

"But it's true, ever since you moved I actually started to improve myself."

Misumi wished she had written down all her questions, right now it was hard for her to think of the ones she wanted most to be answered.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is," Eita paused, his eyes looked up into Misumi's brown subtle eyes "I wanted to prove to you how much I've grown since then."

She was at a loss for words. Prove to her in what way? To take her to some restaurant to sit and just chit chat together acting like they were
some sort of old friends? Misumi decided it was best to avoid his statement, move forward with the next question.

She brushed her thoughts away "Okay well, why did you treat me the way you did back when we were together?"

It was as if Eita knew the exact questions she was going to ask, almost like he recited his words like some school play the night before their little date.

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