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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ SEVENTY-SEVEN

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JUST AS MISUMI THOUGHT THINGS COULDN'T get any more enjoyable than being stunned with a large birthday cake and getting to blow the candles out with all her friends applauding her, bundles of gifts were brought to her.

Bagged gifts from almost each of the volleyball boys, cards signed with generous expressions granting her a happy birthday, and gift cards for various coffee shops for her to try.

"Here wait!" Her senpai, Bokuto, uttered reaching across the kitchen table for another wrapped gift.

"Open this one next, it's from Akaashi and me!" He presented the present to her with a fizzing smile humming on his gentle lips, delivering her sitting figure their generous surprise.

Of course, just as before, Misumi could not wait to get her hands on it and view what was remaining inside the box.

All the items really had her at the point of her seat, her nerves nearly diving in anticipation to unwrap every single one of them.

Misumi was beyond grateful that they all took the liberty of purchasing something for
her — bringing a gift was encouraged but it was also very much optional.

Their arrival alone was enough to make her throbbing heart effervesce with ebullience.

The girl with raven short hair smiled deeply at Bokuto, accepting his offer "This one is from you too, Akaashi?" She questioned, analyzing the pink bag with snowing white tissue paper that was placed neatly within the large bag.

Almost everything Misumi received was in the color pink — presumably, Kuroo's doing, giving off all the miniature details about his girlfriend that any other person would completely disregard.

Bokuto sat across from her on the dining table, his hands grazing together practically eager for her to examine what the two Fukurodani players had bought her.

The white tissue paper creased together as Misumi nimbly unfolded it, unveiling a sports shoebox that was burrowed within the party bag.

A grin deliberately scattered further above the surface of her cherry-red lips — already grasping the situation.

She bit her tongue, struggling to stop her grin from increasing "Don't tell me," Hummed the Birthday girl, lifting the tape that was holding the shoes within the box.

"Sorry if they're the wrong size, Kuroo never confirmed your shoe size." Informed the Fukurodani setter, a delicate grin lighting on his complexion as he watched Misumi's face torrent with glinting scintillation.

She shook her head with certainty "N-No please, they're perfect." Double-checking the size printed inside the shoe "They're just my size, a solid seven."

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