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MISUMI DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL AFTER she had the discussion with Semi. In a way, she felt dismissed. That everything was ultimately settled and there were no hard feelings tied any longer.

However, there was the other part of her that felt almost... surreal?

Would this conversation sternly settle all of her apprehensive behavior?

Would it solve all of her anxiety?

Probably not. Perhaps that part would take some time.

Thinking and pondering about it wouldn't do her any good. It would only leave her in the dusk of misery and obscurity as before.

Waving her head, she staggered off any lingering worries that left her second-guessing about it.

"Misumi, are you okay?" The singular voice of Sara rushed through her ears, stealing her attention to the girl that sat beside her.

She blinked out of puzzlement, signaling at Sara's statement. "Y-Yeah... I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about something."

Which, wasn't completely accurate. Frankly, she was reminiscing about everything that had passed, but she was also thinking about Sara.

Sara still had absolutely no idea that Semi was the same guy as Eita.

The same guy with who Misumi consumed her middle school years in a relationship.

It's not that Misumi didn't want to tell her, it had never been about that.

She was just never ready to tell her. After all the years that had crossed, there were really only three people in her life who knew of this incident.

Misumi clutched her glassful of water, crossing her legs over one another as she settled herself on the bench she and Sara remained on.

"Sara... can I tell you something?" She asked imprudently — as if Sara was ever the kind to shun Misumi's opinions or expressions.

Her eyebrows arched in incertitude, a smile edging on her pastel flushed lips. "Is that even a question? Duh, of course, you can." Sara mentioned to her, placing a sharpened hand upon the point of Misumi's knee.

There was a thud of reassurance in her beating heart, placing both her stinging hands above Sara's hand. Taking in recognition for her level of physical encouragement.

Her lips skipped in detachment as if she was going to begin with her story. But, her eyes stirred a little bit further to Sara's right side — catching her full and complete attention. Sitting with her lips distributed in thorough disorder.

She figured her eyes were playing tricks on her... they had to be. Though, it was clear that the distant figure Misumi was glancing at was, in fact, Kuroo.

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