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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ FIFTY-SIX

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˚· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ FIFTY-SIX

MISUMI ALWAYS APPREHENDED THE GREAT distance that lies between her and her boyfriend — Kuroo.

However, the presumably long trip to Tokyo didn't seem as large as it was before back when she was traveling for the festival.

Perhaps it was because time was ticking, including the fact that her stomach would tremble with anxiety each time the bus ran over mountainous potholes that transpired on the freeway.

Even when Nishinoya attempted to tranquilize her nerves before her bus appeared — it was all to no avail.

She was aggrieved, her blood percolated solely from reflecting the messages Kuroo had sent. Misumi remained isolated, quarantined from the clutter of the passengers that were cycling the bus late that evening.

Desperately, she fought to store her eccentric conclusions deep within her mind.

Bff Noya <3
Please be safe Misumi and text

me when you get there.

Bff Noya <3
No matter what happens, know that

I'm here for you.

Her hammered breathing traversed — scanning through his messages deliberately with caution. Trying to comprehend his text.

Misumi praised the Gods from above for granting her with such a charitable friend like Nishinoya. It looked as though their friendship was the only thing that stayed intact while everything else in Misumi's life crumpled away at her very eyes.

As she spurred off the bus, she began to reflect upon her actions.

What in the world was she going to tell him?

Kuroo had no idea Misumi was going to be showing up. Not like she planned it herself either — the only thing the two of them planned together that day was the sleepover being held at Misumi's house.

For her to be arriving right after Nekoma's practice was going to be an inevitable shock for Kuroo. She somewhat felt dejected — for showing up so suddenly, almost like she was forcing herself in between Kuroo's fixed agenda.

It was too late to back out forthwith, everything required to be resolved.

Misumi just prayed she wasn't too late.

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