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Dear BTS,

I don't know if you remember me, or got my previous letter, but I'm R.

I didn't really have a good day today. I'm so stressed lately. I shouldn't be stressed, but my anxiety won't let me relax.

Insomnia keeps me up for so long and I just wish I could sleep. That's the one time I can relax and not worry. But sometimes not even sleep can grant me that. I have these horrible nightmares. I'll wake up shaking so violently and I can't stop. I see this, black figure in the corner of my eye, and whenever I turn towards it, it disappears. I feel like it's just waiting for me to crumble so it can attack me.

I know it's not realistic, but it scares me so much. My nightmares are always me watching my friends go through horrible things and I can't do anything about it. The same black figure makes me watch them die when I could've helped them and I just...

I just wake up crying.

I stopped telling my online friends about it. I only told one really...when I went into detail about it. She tried to help, she really did. But it didn't help. So I decided I didn't want to be a burden..

That's...I'm sorry. You all didn't need to read that. But then again, you guys probably won't ever read this letter.

It just gives me comfort, pretending you all are listening.

There's so many other people that deserve you more than I do.

I'm sorry...

Sincerely, R

sincerely, rWhere stories live. Discover now