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"She wrote us another letter!"

"I wanna read it this time!"

"Okay okay okay."

"Awh she got a puppy."

"Let me finish Taehyung. (...)"


"That poor girl."

"Do you think she knows she's supposed to be loved by her parents?"

"What do you mean Namjoon?"

"I saw this thing recently and it talks about how abused kids think it's normal that they're parents treat them like shit's always been like that and they don't know any better."

"She doesn't know that parents aren't supposed to hurt them?"

"No I think she knows. She said 'emotionally abused" in her letter so she knows her mother was in the wrong."

"She's 22 and her mom is still hurting her..."

"But, but like she said, she has Ozzy."

"Yeah! Yeah Ozzy will help her!"

"We need to make another Twitter post."

"We can't like...expose her. It has to be discrete."

"Let's say something about Ozzy."

"That's a good idea."


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