seventy seven

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"But part of the bo-" Rebecca was cut off again as she tried to talk, Taehyung stealing a kiss from her. They sat next to each other on the couch, everyone getting ready for the movie. She sat criss-crossed, holding Taehyung's hand with both of hers, playing with his rings. But while she was discussing their book with him, he only allowed a few words out before kissing her. Taehyung managed to keep a smile on his face, but he did manage to stare at her the whole time she tried to talk.

"I really want to-" Another kiss from him and she stopped playing with his rings, looking up at her. He finally smiled, gazing into her puppy dog eyes. Finally, he got her attention. "Is this your nice way of telling me to shut up?"

Taehyung leaned forward, a grin played across his lips. "This is my nice way of saying I want you on my lap." Rebecca's eyebrows wavered and her face flashed red.

"Oh I should go teach Berlin how to fly-" Rebecca tried to get up, but Taehyung was fast, grabbing her by her hips, pulling her down to not the couch, but his lap. Rebecca crossed her legs, her arms following, trying to make this as uncomfortable for Taehyung as she could.

"Awh, what's this?" Taehyung sat up, kissing her shoulder. "Come onnnn, I just wanna snuggle." Rebecca kept her arms tightly crossed, liking his kiss.

"We've never 'snuggled' like this before."

"Well we can try." Taehyung kissed her shoulder again, him knowing that she liked it as well. Rebecca sighed, uncrossing her limbs and melting into Taehyung, snuggling close, this comfortable for both parties now. "See? Isn't it sooooo comfortable?"

"I'm going to punch your balls if you don't stop teasing me." Rebecca grumbled, putting her head on his shoulder. Taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but closed his mouth.

"You would've punched me if I said what I was thinking." Taehyung mumbled, Rebecca pinching his cheek as a 'punishment'. "Awh, you want kisses?" Taehyung tried to kiss her cheek, but she pulled away, pushing his face away as he held her tight, trying to pull her to him.

Yoongi blinked a few times. "What the hell did I just watch?"


Rebecca's alarm went off and she scrambled to turn it off before it woke Taehyung as well. He groaned, turning towards her. "Shh, shh." She placed her hand on the side of his face. "Go to sleep Bubba. Go to sleep." Taehyung fell fast asleep, thankfully not clinging to Rebecca.

Off to work she went.


"Finally, I found you!" An older teenage girl ran over to Rebecca as she got in her car, the shift finished. "You're Taehyung's girlfriend."

Rebecca panicked, not knowing if she should say yes or not. But, the media has a picture of her face already so... what's the harm?

"Y-yeah." Rebecca looked up at the girl, not putting her seat belt on.

"Here." The teenage girl shoved a piece of paper in Rebecca's face. "The top," She looked her up and down. "Is for you. The bottom part, the n u m b e r s," She talked to Rebecca as if she was talking to a dumb child, the face of disgust should be aimed at a dead animal, not to Rebecca. "Is for my Taehyung."

My ... Taehyung?

The girl walked off without another word, leaving Rebecca in shock, staring after her.

"Have a good day!" Rebecca called out, trying to push the rude actions away from her mind and focus on the goods. I mean, the girl was really pretty, she couldn't deny that.

"Fuck off."

Rebecca looked down at the piece of paper and saw why she was so rude.

BTS could only do so much about the hate. They could help her with the hate online, turning off notifications for her and such. But real life encounters? They could only help if they were there. And, Rebecca was alone.

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