ninety three

317 22 9

"Here Bubs." Rebecca sat next to Taehyung on the couch, handing him a plate of food. "I made breakfast."

"Thank you!" Taehyung beamed, hugging her tightly, pulling his eyes away from the TV finally. "Hey, where's your plate?" He let his show play on the TV, focussing on Rebecca.

"Oh, I don't like eating breakfast that much." She waved her hand, dismissing the topic, watching the show. Taehyung frowned and slowly turned back to the show. He glanced down at the eggs and toast she had made for him.

"Say 'ahh'!" Taehyung smiled, a section of the egg on the end of his fork, his other hand below it incase it fell.


"Ahh!" Taehyung repeated, smiling widely, waiting for her to comply.

Rebecca sighed, smiling softly, "Ahh." She chewed the egg, Taehyung wiping the side of her lips even though there was nothing there.

"Awh my cute little baby." He cooed, handing her half of his toast. "So cute!" Rebecca rolled her eyes and ate the piece of toast, Taehyung feeding her the rest of the egg between each bite.

"You're a dork." Rebecca wiped the egg yolk that trickled down the side of his chin. "Who's the real baby here?"


"No you."

"No you."






"I feel bad." Rebecca walked beside Taehyung, holding his hand throughout the streets. "I should've brought a dress."

"No you shouldn't have." Taehyung's eyes crinkled, the only hint of a smile through his mask. "I get to take you shopping and get you the prettiest dress ever!" Yeontan barked from Taehyung's arms, causing the couple to chuckle. "See? Even Yeontan is excited that he can take you out today as well!"

"Ah, my lovely date, Tannie!" Rebecca giggled, scratching Yeontan's head, Taehyung narrowing his eyes.

"Aye, Yeontan isn't the one with a wallet."

"But he's the one with the looks!" Rebecca took Yeontan from Taehyung's arms, Yeontan going with it. Now Taehyung walked beside Rebecca kissing Yeontan's head, with no dog and no hand to hold.

"Bro what the heck."


"Yeontan," Taehyung looked down at his dog that laid beside him. "This is harder than I thought." Yeontan whined and laid his head back down, both boys waiting for Rebecca to come out of the dressing room. A female employee stood off to the side as well, hoping that this dress was the one.

It's been almost two hours, and every single dress hasn't worked.


"Woah." Taehyung stood up, his eyes wide as Rebecca walked out, a shy smile on her face. Even Yeontan sat up, his tail wagging, tongue hanging out. "That's the one."

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