forty five

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Rebecca woke up with arms around her and a steady breath that was not her own. She slowly sat up, Jin's arms weakly around her, him still sound asleep.

"Oh you big baby." Rebecca smiled once Jin's head fell on to her shoulder. She scooted closer, making sure his neck wasn't strained in the position. His hair was everywhere, completely tangled and covering his eyes.

Rebecca reached over with her left hand, peering down at him as she brushed his hair, gently fixing the knots and making sure his eyes were visible. While she was by his eyes, her finger brushed against his eyebrows. Then she traced his nose, up to his cheekbones again and the nose once more.

She smiled once she touched his bottom lip, but only his bottom lip. The time on her watch caught her attention, her fingers leaving his face.

"Good morning Freckles." Jin kept his head on her shoulder, his pinky moving to touch her hand.

"Good morning sleepy head." Rebecca teased, Jin sitting up, acting as if she wasn't just tracing all of his facial features.

"Were you touching my face?" Jin grinned, moving his face closer to her's.

"Nope." Rebecca shrugged her shoulders, standing up so she wouldn't have to make eye contact. "What makes you think that?"

"I touched your face." Jin stood up as well, taking the blanket with him. Rebecca turned towards Jin in confusion and was met with a finger tapping her nose. "Yep, right now." Rebecca smiled and rolled her eyes, walking to the house.

"Very funny Jin."

'Hahaha I know you touched my lips.'


Jungkook rubbed his hands together once he saw Rebecca with his back turned to him. He crouched down and picked up Rebecca, a shriek escaping her lips as she was lifted up.

"Who is this-oh is Kook." Rebecca craned her neck to see Jungkook grinning up at her. "Hi Jungkook."

"Good morning."

Taehyung also saw the perfect opportunity to jam his fingers against the back of Jungkook's knee, Jungkook's knee immediately giving out. Both Rebecca and Jungkook let out a little scream as Jungkook fell to his knee. Yet he still managed to hold Rebecca, not letting her hit the ground.

"Oh I'm going to kill you Taehyung." Jungkook stood Rebecca up, Taehyung bolting outside. Rebecca followed, watching Jungkook shove Taehyung into the pool. Taehyung wasn't going down unless Jungkook went down with him, grabbing Jungkook's shirt, both causing a splash.

"Well, I guess we could do a pool day today." Hoseok smiled, sipping his coffee


"Everyone was staring at us it was so embarrassing but no one cared." Rebecca moved her hands as she talked, her and Jin and Namjoon laying on the recliner chairs outside, the rest of the boys by the pool. Well, Yoongi was beneath a tree, Jimin with him. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook were splashing around in the pool. "We had no clue people don't cheer during fireworks."

"The Japanese kids you were with didn't stop you guys?" Namjoon smiled, sunglasses over his eyes, his shirt off, skin taking in the beautiful sun.

"Nope." Rebecca laughed, sunglasses also on. "They joined in."

"Ew look at them being adults." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung and Hoseok, all of them staring at Rebecca and Jin and Namjoon. "Gross."

"Yeah, Rebecca is younger than me and acts more like an adult than I do." Taehyung added, leaning against the edge of the pool. "Let's throw her in."

"I think Namjoon's got that covered." Hoseok hit Taehyung's shoulder, pointing to the three 'adults'.

"Joon!" Rebecca shrieked, kicking her legs after Namjoon had picked her up bridal style, Jimin laughing his ass off as Yoongi recorded. "Put me down!" Namjoon walked over to the pool, easily carrying her.

"Yeah I'll put you down." Namjoon laughed, tossing her into the pool. But like Jungkook, Rebecca wasn't going down alone. She held on to Namjoon, both falling into the pool.

"AHAHAH!" Jin and Jimin both roared with laughter, Hoseok swimming over to Namjoon and Rebecca.

"Give me twenty dollars and Ill make sure you and Rebecca end up as partners for Chicken." Jungkook struck his deal with Taehyung after Hoseok left. Taehyung watched Rebecca get out of the pool, brushing her hair off her face.



"Yo Bex!" Jungkook shouted, standing at the edge of the deep end, Rebecca chatting away with Namjoon and Yoongi. "Race me!" He knows she was on swim team, but that was nothing. Winning against someone who knew how to swim was something he needed to accomplish.

"I'm talking give me like, ten minutes." Rebecca called back, her hair almost dry from how long she's been out of the water.

"I bet you can't beat me!" Jungkook grinned, knowing Rebecca's weakness. Rebecca's head snapped towards him and walked forward, a smile on her face as well.

"Bet!" Rebecca sat her sunglasses on the table stretching her arms and legs. "Free style?"

"Damn right." Jungkook stretched as well, confident he would win.

"Oh Jeon is going to get his ass handed to him." Yoongi snorted, Jimin and him still below the tree.

"You think so?" Jimin looked up at his hyung. "I don't know. I think Jungkook might win."

"Look at her." Yoongi pointed to Rebecca who was pulling her hair into a pony tail. "She did sports her entire schooling. Do you not see how strong she is?" Jimin looked at her legs, seeing the muscles flex with each step. He caught sight of her back, but got distracted by her tattoo to notice the muscles.

"On your mark!" Hoseok held up his arm, a huge smile on his face, both Rebecca and Taehyung bending down, ready to dive. "Get set, go!" Both dove in at the same time, Jungkook resurfaced first though, Rebecca following after him. She immediately took the lead, her kick true and stroke long.

"Damn." Jin sat up, watching the race.

Jungkook knew he wasn't going to win, so there was one last thing to do.

He grabbed her legs and pulled her back just as she neared the end wall. She stood up and watched as Jungkook ran to the end, 'winning.'

"You cheater!" Rebecca laughed, wiping water from her face.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Hoseok came out of no where, jumping into Jungkook, both going underwater. Jungkook stood up, Hoseok clinging to him like a koala. "I'm getting revenge for you don't worry." Hoseok held up a thumbs up for Rebecca, Rebecca laughing and returning the gesture.

"You're crazy fast." Taehyung walked up to Rebecca, his shirt off like the rest of the guys, a smile on his face. "You never told me you swam."

"Well, Taehyung," Rebecca forces her eyes to stay up. Do you know how hard it is for an ARMY like herself to not look down at their abs?? Like, come on people. "I swam." Rebecca's eyes widened once she gained two extra feet of height. Jungkook grinned, standing face to face with Taehyung, Rebecca on his shoulders.

"Sorry Hyung."

Taehyung controlled himself and only flipped off Jungkook.

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