eighty two

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"I'm going to miss you Jungkookie." Rebecca smiled sadly as he hugged her tightly, his eyes squeezing shut.

"Yeah what the heck." Jungkook didn't let go, the boys all standing aside, waiting their turn. "Now who am I supposed to bully for being younger than me?" Rebecca giggled softly, ruffling Jungkook's hair once they let each other go.

"Ah Jin." Rebecca walked into his open arms, hugging him tight. "We didn't get to cook together that much."

"There's always FaceTime." Jin reassured, rubbing her back before releasing her, their hands finding each other's. "I've got to teach you how to make some of my famous dishes."

"I look forward to it." Rebecca smiled up at him, letting go of his hand slowly, drifting to Namjoon. "I hoped you enjoyed the nature and such at my house." She pulled him in for a hug, Namjoon chuckling.

"Yes, even while we were lost, I enjoyed the trees. You really do live on such a beautiful piece of property." Namjoon closed his eyes, the trees growing, the birds chirping, the sun shining oh so brightly.

"You'll have to come back in the winter." Rebecca released the hug, her hands on his shoulders. "It's even more magical."

"Plan on me showing up at your house then." Namjoon's dimples shined, everyone having a soft smile on their face.

"I'm coming too!" Jungkook butted in, raising his hand. "We can make Christmas cookies!" Everyone's smiles grew wider, the thoughts and joys of Christmas sparkling across their faces.

"Jiminie." Rebecca cooed slightly, hugging the boy. "Oh I'm going to miss you too." Jimin hugged her tightly, the majority of the boys talking about Christmas over their goodbye.

"Hey Bex?" Jimin whispered, still hugging and swaying.

"Yeah?" Rebecca frowned as Jimin took her hands in his, swinging them side to side lightly, none of the boys paying much attention.

"I don't know if you feel weird, or if Taehyung has said anything, but you don't have to wear my necklace anymore." Jimin couldn't raise his eyes to her's, too nervous to make eye contact.

Rebecca's hand touched the Chanel necklace, eyes swarming with worry. "Oh, do you want it back?"

Jimin's eyes flickered up to her's. "Oh no." He shook his head quickly. "I just didn't want you to feel obligated to wear it now that you and Tae are dating."

Upon hearing his name, Taheyung drifted away from the Christmas conversation to see his two best friends.

"Oh Jimin." Rebecca smiled, squeezing Jimin's hands lightly. "I'm wearing it because you're my best friend. I absolutely love it."

Taehyung crossed his arms and tilted his head slightly, a gentle smile on his face. He's so glad they get along well, or else that would be bad. He couldn't chose his best friend or girlfriend. That's something he prays he'll never have to do.

But this interaction between the two further proved that they were close, and should never fight. Everything is so perfect.

"Really?" Jimin's eyes sparkled with hope as he finally held eye contact with Rebecca.

"Of course." Rebecca nodded once, holding eye contact. Jimin gasped as he was pushed to the side, Yoongi replacing him and hugging Rebecca.

"You two took too long." Yoongi mumbled, hugging Rebecca the tightest out of all the boys. "You aren't allowed to play piano until your wrist is healed." Rebecca rolled her eyes as they released their hug. "Or I will come back and slap you."

"Okay Yoongles." Rebecca grinned proudly. "Whatever you say."

Yoongi pulled out something from his bag and hit Rebecca on the head with it. "A present." He crossed his arms, unable to keep a hint of a smile off his face.

Rebecca narrowed her eyes as she unrolled the pieces of paper, but as soon as she realized what is was, her eyes widened as big as saucers. "You're song!"

"I never got you a copy at my place so I had to write one for you." Yoongi stumbled back as Rebecca hugged him again. "It should be the correct notes and such."

"Thank you so much Yoongi!" Rebecca beamed, holding the sheet music tightly. "Ah this is amazing!!" She quickly put it in the passenger seat of her car, all of them standing outside of the airport and by her car for the goodbyes. Turning back, she locked eyes with Hoseok and held out her arms. "Hobi~" She sang, meeting him in the middle and hugging him tightly.

"Man I don't wanna leave." He smiled sadly, trying to keep the happy mood. "Now I have to eat Jin's food instead of your's."

"My food is good!" Jin butted in, laughing with everyone else.

"That's what he thinks." Hoseok mumbled, Rebecca laughing with him.

Rebecca caught sight of Taehyung's nervous appearance, her walking over to hug him. He said nothing, only holding her tightly. The boys shifted away, letting the couple have their moment.

"You can't come with us?" Taehyung asked sadly, his arms around her waist, her's around his neck. "You can live with me or with all of us."

"I have my life here Taehyungie." Rebecca pushed his bangs from his eyes, letting her see all of the pain in his eyes. "I'll visit you, I promise."

"How soon?" Taehyung's voice was quiet, like a fearful child talking to a stranger.

"A few months." Rebecca responded sadly. The tickets were expensive and she couldn't go every other week. She had work and she planned on taking online classes soon. It just couldn't work.

"What if we don't work?" Taehyung's eyes sparkled with tears. "I don't want to lose you."

"Bubba." Rebecca's eyes flickered, concerned he didn't have faith in them. "We're going to be alright. I promise you. We can text each other whenever and call and FaceTime. You can tell me all about your day when I wake up, and I'll do the same when you wake up. Imagine all of the memories we can make, just talking with each other." Rebecca pushed his bangs back again, his hair falling in his face as he looked down. "We're going to be just alright. I'm not going anywhere."

"You're just going to be on the other side of the world from me." Taehyung rested his forehead on her's. "The Pacific separates us."

"Well, you're just going to have to send me lots of selfies so I can see you every day." Rebecca had to stay positive for the both of them. It'll be a rough change. They started their relationship in person, so they got used to the skinship and kisses. But now, they won't have the cuddles.

"Will we still get to write the book together?" Taehyung asked softly, hope in his voice. They barely started it, but they had a rough draft for the first page.

"Of course we can Baby." Rebecca laid her head on his shoulder. "Not everything has to change."

"I love you so much." Taehyung hugged her tightly again, knowing this would be the last time in a while to hug her.

"I love you too." Rebecca smiled against him, hugging him tightly, putting something in his coat pocket. "I'll watch every single video of you guys."

"You better." Taehyung teased lightly, kissing her cheek as they released the hug. "Don't forget me."

"I could never forget you, silly." Rebecca ruffled his hair just as he pulled her in for a kiss, the kiss long, loving, magical. "Goodbye Taehyung."

BTS all rushed forward, forming a tight group hug, almost suffocating each other. "I'm going to miss all of you." Rebecca could barely be heard from the group hug.

"We'll miss you too!"

"Text a lot!"

"Bye Becca!"

"Lots of love!"

"I miss you already." Taehyung slowly walked away from her, a few tears falling down his face. "You call me a lot, okay?"

"Text me when you land, each flight!" Rebecca called out, Taehyung nodding quickly, the last to walk through the door. She waved, just as the door closed, separating her and her boyfriend.

"I love you so much Taehyungie."

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