one hundred six

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"Hey we're almost there." Taehyung rubbed Rebecca's back, her latched onto him like a koala, him holding her against his chest. "Two more floors and then we're home." Rebecca was a sniffling mess, refusing to unbury her face from his shoulder.

All she could focus on was the hug from Taehyung's father. That's all she could feel. He smelled like a father! The way he hugged her like he really meant it and the soft little pat-

"Come on, we'll go to the room." Taehyung sat Rebecca down on the stool in the entrance, the door shut already behind him. He took off her shoes, Rebecca holding onto the stool tightly for she could only watch. "Arms up Baby." Taehyung spoke gently after he kicked off his shoes. Rebecca lifted her arms up, Taehyung picking her up, the koala-like hug ensuing.

Yeontan's little paws were heard scurrying across the floor, quick to meet his parents. He whined and jumped at Taehyung's feet as he walked, confused and concerned about why his mom was so upset? Why was his dad carrying her? He smells tears. Who hurt his mom?

"Okay." Taehyung mumbled as he sat Rebecca down. "Are you hot? Cold? Can I get you something-" He didn't get a chance to finish for Rebecca pulled him close, hugging him tightly, letting herself sob again, the text message chanting inside of her head.

Yeontan tried to shove his way between the two bodies, but they were too close, he would suffocate. Instead, he put his head on Rebecca's knee, paw on Taehyung's, whining and waiting for one of his parents to look at him.

"Becca honey, you have to tell me what's wrong." Taehyung rubbed her back, holding her as she shook. "You can do it. Just a few words and I'll be able to help."

"I-I don't know anything!" She practically screamed into his shirt, the power muffled through the material. "i don't know what I want I'm just so scared and confused!" Her nails dug into his shoulders, Taehyung wincing and pulling back from the hug, holding her hands.

"Well what do you know?" He shook her hands gently as tears poured down her face.

"I ..." She choked on nothing, her breathing out of control. Taehyung reached out and started to wipe her tears for her. It's been a while since she's just collapsed like this. Not since ... when was it? "I know that I love you."

Taehyung smiled sadly, storking her cheek lightly. "Focus on that. We can do this together, okay?" He waited until she nodded, forcing a deep breath down her throat. "There you go. Don't push me away. I'm right here, now and forever." Rebecca's lip trembled as she nodded, keeping her eyes on their hands. "Come here Baby." Taehyung hugged her again, Rebecca swallowed away her tears, just holding him tightly.

Rebecca had Yeontan in her lap now, scratching his head, sniffing every once in a while. Taehyung slowly massaged her knee, watching her face, see if anything faltered.

"Tell me what made you so upset? Please." Taehyung asked once again, Rebecca still keeping the reason from him. "Was it me?"

"No, not at all." Rebecca reassured once again, her voice hoarse from the sobs. "It would never be you." She tilted her head slightly. "If you ever made me cry this hard, it would probably be because you broke up with me."

"I would never." Taehyung stopped the massaging. "You are my everything, Becca. Absolutely everything. You're my sunrise, my sunset, you're my stars. Everything. You're my everything."

Rebecca's finger touched his hand, gently, longily. "You're my all and more." She took a deep breath and pulled her phone from her back pocket. "My, uhm, my parents texted me." She started to rock back in forth, clutching her phone tightly. Then she closed her eyes and turned her head, pushing her phone forward, hitting Taehyung's chest. "You read it."

" 'Rebecca, our daughter. You're our first born and we miss you so much. We miss having you at parties. You don't have to have a boyfriend like the rest of your siblings. You don't have to have a husband either, even though it's about time you get one. But we want you to complete our family. We lost Kathryn and we can't lose you too. Please come back to us. We really want to reconnect with you. Please, let us have our daughter back.' " Taehyung read aloud, Rebecca slowly drifting into a storm.

"They, they want , they want to and , and me-" She couldn't form sentences, so she settled on just crying. She slowly doubled over, clutching her heart, her head falling on Taehyung's legs.

Taehyung dropped the phone, eyes wide. 'They want her back? After all these years, after hurting her for 18 years? They want her back?!'

Becca grabbed a small fistful of his pants, her shoulders shaking. That's what snapped him out of thought. "O-oh." He stuttered, trying to pull her up so he could hug her. But she wouldn't let go. And now, Taehyung was out of options.

"What would Hobi Hyung do?" Taehyung pulled at his hair, eyes wide as he stared at the sobbing girl in his lap. "J-Jungkookie would try to make you laugh I-I don't know jokes or what to say." Taehyung rubbed her back, his heart pounding as her tears didn't get any better. "Yoongi would know what to say he knows stuff and..."

It clicked.

He'll do what she does when he's upset.

"Alright, come here." He pulled her up to his lap, holding her like a baby. She rested her head against his chest, her immediately holding on to his shirt tightly. "I'll tell you a story, my dear.

"There once was a beautiful princess, living in a remote castle, all by herself. For entertainment and sanity, she wrote letters to the noble knights she once heard in fairy tails. And so she did just that, folding the written letters into paper airplanes and throwing them as far as she could." Taehyung stroked her hair slowly, telling her the story.

"She had little hope that the airplanes would reach the noble knights for the wind could only carry them so far." Taehyung smiled softly, Rebecca's cries reducing. "Against the odds, the letters landed right by the knights. They read each and every letter, eagerly awaiting each new one and passing the paper around so they could see her handwriting.

"With each letter, they grew more and more fond of the princess. She wrote of the loneliness she experienced, wishing she had company at her castle. And that's what the knights swore they would do. They threw their own airplane, chasing after it, letting it lead them right to her castle. The journeyed for hours upon hours, several days until finally, finally, they saw her castle.

"Despite the drowsiness they experienced from their journey, they ran up the castle, to the highest room, just as the princess had described. Of course they knocked before going in, they aren't animals." Taehyung joked softly, Rebecca forcing out a chuckle, sniffing and wiping her tears.

"And the princess opened the door, shocked to see the knights. And being the dorky princess she is, she curtsied, deciding on the formal welcoming." Taehyung sighed softly, remembering Rebecca holding out her hand to shake with Taehyung. "The knights all laughed and ran forward, engulfing her in a tight hug. They spent years upon years together, the knights protecting the princess, and the princess giving the knights love and care. It truly was a fairy tale happy ending."

"What was the story called?" Rebecca rubbed her hand on his chest, her voice quiet.

"Seven Swords and a Crowned Heart."

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