twenty two

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"Okay, so you have all the ingredients?" Rebecca smiled as she sat the dogs' water bowl on the ground, her phone in her hand, Jin's face displayed on Face Time.

"Yes." He nodded, studying the ingredients in front of him.

"You have the peanut butter?"


"The powdered sugar?"

"Confectioners sugar you mean? If so, then yes."

"Vanilla extract?"




"Chocolate chips."

"All clear Captain." Jin grinned and saluted Rebecca, the girl settled on her coach, in charge of coaching Jin through this baking process. He was determined to make the buckeyes she talk about the other night. But he wanted her help to ensure he wouldn't mess up. "What do I do first?"

"I sent you the recipe didn't I?" Rebecca grinned, her eyes drifting to her dogs, straying from Jin.

"Yeah, but I want you to explain it." Jin smiled cheekily, hoping she'll give in. Rebecca sighed and gave Jin a teasing look.

"Fine. One cup of butter in a glass bowl and melt it." Rebecca melted at the sight of excited Jin, him tying his apron and putting on a chef hat, ready to cook the new desert. "Make sure you put it in intervals. 45 seconds, then like 30, and then 15 or 20 until it's melted."

"I know how to melt butter, Freckles." Jin teased, unwrapping the sticks of butter and placing the bowl in the microwave. "I'm-"

"Is that Becca?" Jimin hurried over, smiling widely once he saw Rebecca on Jin's phone. "Hi Becca! How are you?" Jimin leaned on the counter top, him blocking Jin from her view.

"I've been good Jimin. We're getting ready to move. I'm leaving tomorrow actually!" Rebecca responded, looking at her bare house. "How have you been?"

"I've been good! I finally beat Jungkook at a game! Crossy Road if you're wondering." Jimin winked and the two giggled, Jin finally coming to push Jimin away.

"This is Jin and Bex time, not Jimin and Bex time. Shoo shoo." Jin pushed Jimin away, Jimin waving one last goodbye. "Now that the parasite is gone-"


"We can continue." Jin smiled sweetly ignoring the grumbling from Jimin. "How much peanut butter?"


"I can't do this!" Jin wailed, their hour long Face Time call finally back in the kitchen. After the peanut butter balls were formed and put in the freezer, they had to wait. Instead of going their separate ways, Jin had managed to use some pick up lines and Rebecca had shown him her scrunchie collection. Now the balls were frozen enough and ready to be dipped in the chocolate.

"Yes you can!" Rebecca was laying in her bed now, the fan turned low so it wouldn't be a sound problem. It was nearing midnight for her, but she's fought the drowsiness to help her dear friend and his struggles. "After you get the chocolate from the microwave, dip the balls and then put it back on the tray."

"But I can't move that fast!" Jin froze once the timer beeped, signalling the chocolate was ready.

"Okay, go get it and stir it then hurry over to the balls." Rebecca directed Jin, Jin obeying quickly. "Make sure you have a fork by the balls so you won't waste ti-careful!" Rebecca forced a laugh down as Jin tripped slightly, his hat falling from his head.

"Becca!" Jin screamed poking the ball and holding the bowl of melted chocolate in the middle. "It's not working!"

"You gotta stab the ball and drown it in chocolate!"

"The ball is hard!" Jin argued back, slamming the fork on the peanut butter ball, destroying it. Rebecca rolled over and laughed, Jin smiling in defeat.

Jimin meanwhile, had sat up on the couch, giving Jin the weirdest look he could muster. He had no clue what the conversation was about and it was so out of context.

Is it sexual or-

"Becca stop laughing at me!" Jin whined, throwing a ball in the chocolate. "You made me break it."

"I did not!" Rebecca gasped in over-dramatic shock.

"Next time," Jin threw the deformed, chocolate-covered ball on the tray. "Next time, you're going to be here in person so you can smack me and be a pro at this. So this," He held up a broken peanut butter ball. "Looks like an actual buckeye."

"You're doing great Jin." Rebecca smiled, being the first of the pair to calm down from the panicked yelling. "Take it slow...well not slow but like, medium pace." Jin gave her a look, a ball on the end of the fork.

"I'm just going to use my hands." Jin tossed the fork into the sink, dunking the peanut butter ball in the chocolate.


"My fingers are covered in chocolate!"

"Oh Jin."


"Becca, they taste so good." Jin smiled, holding a buckeye in each hand. Once he turned back to his phone to face Becca, he saw that her eyes were closed, her face relaxed. He relaxed and smiled softly. He left for five minutes to retrieve the buckeyes from the freezer and of course she falls asleep. "Becca~" He put a buckeye in his mouth, resting his chin on his hand, his elbow on the counter. "Are you asleep?"

"" Rebecca moved slightly, Spots licking her cheek before falling back asleep in her arms. Jin took a bite of the other buckeye. Jin shook his head softly, his heart fluttering at her cuteness.

"Okay, whatever you say Becca." Jin took the final bite of the buckeye, hearing her tiny snores. "Goodnight beautiful. Sleep well."


"And while he was on the phone with Bex, he was stuttering!" (pj)

"I did no such thing!" (kj)

"Kim Seokjin himself stuttered while talking to a girl? Never thought I'd see this day come." (th)&

"No! I don't stutter!" (kj)

"Wow, you must really like her then." (jk)

"Shut it Jeon." (kj)

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