forty one

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"Becca, no." Hoseok's features softened. "No, I would never think you're a freak."

"Why not?" Rebecca bite on her thumbnail, keeping her eyes on the ground. "I see things. I'm definitely a creep." Hoseok shook his head softly, staring in shock. He didn't understand.

"Becca, come here, please." He scooted over on the bed he was sat at, patting the place next to him softly. Rebecca didn't flinch, her eyes glued to the ground. "Please. I'm scared." Rebecca's eyes flickered up to Hoseok, her chewing on her thumb halted. She bit the inside of her cheek, sitting beside him.

She didn't lean her head on his shoulder like Hoseok thought she would. She sat, staring straight ahead, her fingers twisting her rings one by one, not missing a beat nor ring. Hoseok scooted closer ever so, laying his head on her shoulder, his good hand resting on top of her restless ones.

"I grew up thinking I was a monster." Rebecca spoke, her fingers no longer fidgetting. "My parents would yell at me a lot, scold me when I strayed from what they wanted. I started as the perfect child. I was smart, athletic, quiet, kind. They crafted me from their control. When I grew older, I became depressed. I wasn't top of my class anymore, I didn't always follow the rules. I spoke my mind, and that made them pissed. So when I started focussing on writing and doing what made me happy, my parents would tell my little siblings, 'be careful, you don't want to end up like Rebecca.'" Rebecca paused, letting her fingers move a little beneath Hoseok's. "I felt like nothing but a disappointment to them."

"Becca." Hoseok hugged Rebecca, almost falling apart into her. "Becca I'm so sorry." He felt a few tears slip past his eyes. She was talking with so much emotion, how come she wasn't crying now? "Becca, I'm right here." Rebecca sat Hoseok up again, holding his face with both of her hands.

"Hoseok, I'm fine." She smiled gently, nodding twice. "I'm okay."


"Okay what happened?" Yoongi pointed at Hoseok and Rebecca, the two sat right next to each on the couch. Rebecca had her head on Hoseok's shoulder, watching something on his phone. "You two are acting weird."

"Nothing." Rebecca smiled up at Yoongi. "We're just tired from the hospital." Taehyung ran into the room, his eyes locking on Rebecca and grabbing her by the hand, dragging her away from a protesting Hoseok. "Tae where are you dragging me-" Taehyung smiled, stopping the run, staring at the piano.

"I want you to teach me a song." Taehyung sat down at the piano, Namjoon smiling from a lounge chair in the room, closing the book in his hands.

"Come here Bex." Namjoon stood up, gesturing for her to follow him to the bookshelf. "We'll pick out a song." Rebecca did as told, standing on her tiptoes to see the title of some of the piano books.

"Are these Yoongi's?" Rebecca flipped through one of the books.

"Yeah, they are." Namjoon nodded, Taehyung tapping out a simple tune on the piano. "How can you tell?" Rebecca showed him the sheet music.

"There's notations everywhere and it's a high level piece." Rebecca looked down at it again. "He has a wide stretch for his hands." Rebecca stood beside Namjoon, showing him the sheet music, pointing to a chord. "That's a ten note stretch. I can barely get nine sometimes."

"I can get eleven." Taehyung raised his head from the piano. "I count eleven keys." Rebecca shut the book, walking over to see Taehyung's stretch. "One two three four."

"Eleven." Rebecca nodded, smiling at Taehyung. "Look at you, already better than me." Taehyung's smile dropped.

"Oh no no I'm not better than you." He took his hand from the piano, shaking his hand side to side with his head. Rebecca laughed softly and put his hand on the piano, placing her's on top.

"Look at the difference." Rebecca smiled at Namjoon. "He has big hands." Namjoon smiled softly, taking his hand out of his pocket and placing it on top of Rebecca's, his chest against her back.

"A hand sandwich." Taehyung laughed, the first to take his hand from the keys. "So have you picked a song?" Rebecca looked down at the book in her hands.

"I think we need to get you a beginner's book."


"So how would you play it?" Namjoon glanced at Rebecca, her staring at the sheet music in front of her. Taehyung was wandering around the music store, his eyes widening once he saw the drum set.

"The left hand plays just chords so it shouldn't be too hard for Taehyung. And quite frankly, the right hand isn't that hard either, it's just putting it together will be the real challenge." Rebecca placed her fingers on the table, curved like they would be on a piano. She started to tap her fingers, her left hand moving ever so often. "See how the left hand moves at different and the same time as the right? And the tempo might throw him off. But I think he'll get it."

Namjoon and Rebecca jumped once a bunch of banging and clashes echoed through the once quiet store. They pair narrowed their eyes at Taehyung who was living his best life on the drum set.

"I think I'm going to become a drummer now."

"Don't. You'll fail quite miserably playing like that."


"I'm just saying."

tips for when i run away?

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