one hundred twenty

338 20 26

Rebecca sat on the floor with her babies, back hunched, eyes burning as she watched the kids flail their limbs, laughing and throwing the toys they could grab. She smiled weakly, exhausted from being a mom. They're four months old, and Taehyung has been gone for three days now. He won't be back for another four, on a small business trip with the boys.

And quite honestly, Rebecca felt like a single mom. It's hard, doing everything yourself. The cooking, cleaning, shopping, parenting. 

All of her friends are idols, and all of them are busy. Eric Nam said he's able to come over tomorrow and help watch the kids while she went shopping. Jamie introduced him to Rebecca a few weeks ago and she made a bond with him quite quickly.

Of course, she had Hongjoong and Mingi's phone number, but she didn't know them that well, even though they texted her earlier saying they could make time for her kids if she ever needed it.

The idol community really is something else. They all work as a family, even accepting an outsider like Rebecca so quickly.

Maybe she wasn't quite family to some of them, but she was a close to friend to all. Especially from the Winter Ball.

"M-Mina?" Rebecca stuttered, tears leaving her eyes as she saw her baby girl roll over. "You.. you rolled over!" Rebecca covered her mouth, a broken smiled mixed with tears beneath it. She picked up Mina, letting out a weak laugh as she hugged her giggling girl. 

Junsu, seeing his mom give all of her attention to his sister, burst into tears. He threw his toy, the toy hitting Rebecca's knee quite painfully. "Junsu." Rebecca spoke sadly, her smile gone while she laid Mina down and picked up her son. 

Well that didn't make Mina too happy, her too bursting into tears. 

Rebecca picked up the two, standing up so she could walk around with them, hoping to calm their tears. Her feet throbbed from beneath her, every step almost painful. Her arms burned, so weak from carrying the twins for so long.

Being a mom was hard.

Doing it alone was even harder.


Rebecca smiled as she slowly closed the door to the twin's room, the soft fan silenced by the door. She leaned her forehead on the door, letting out a shaky breath.

It was one am.

It was one am when the soft beep of the door echoed into the silent house.

Rebecca froze, her eyes wide as she heard the door open and close. She slowly, silently crept to the living room, peeking her head around the corner to see who had entered.

It couldn't have been an intruder, there was too much security downstairs. What if it was an ARMY, pretending to be Rebecca-no no the security knows who Rebecca is-what if it was a new guy who doesn't-

There was a sigh.

Rebecca knew that sigh. Not only has she been married to him for almost a year, but her many years of being an ARMY gave her the magical gift of being able to distinguish the members by even the smallest things.

"Tae?" Rebecca spoke softly, walking out into the living room. Taehyung turned his head towards his wife, a smile crossing his face as he saw her.

They've gone months without seeing each other when they dated, but these three days were the hardest for both of them. They were married now, they were tied together, and it was hard when you were away from your other half.

"Hi Becca." He sat down his bag, Rebecca hurrying over to him and hugging him tightly. He took a deep breath, her hair against his nose, smelling like strawberries, just like he remembered.

"What are you doing here?" Rebecca looked up at Taehyung, neither letting go. "I thought you were gone till next week?"

"I missed you too much, so I snuck out." Taehyung kissed her forehead. "It's only a three hour drive, I can make it back before they even know I'm gone."

"Bubba." Rebecca mumbled sadly. "You're going to be so tired. Let me drive you so you can sleep on the way there-"

"No, Becca." Taehyung stopped her. "You're more tired than I could ever be."

"I... I'm not tired." Rebecca frowned up at Taehyung, not recalling any times she had told him about how difficult it was without him.

"Becca, do you know how long Jamie cussed me out over the phone?" Taehyung smiled, kissing his wife. "I came back because I'm worried about you." He took a deep breath as Rebecca laid her head on his chest, a few tears tracing her face. "I called Bang Chan and Jisung, they're coming over tomorrow to help Eric while you go with Amber. She's taking you to a spa and then you two are having a sleep over at her place, okay?"

"Okay." Rebecca sniffled, Taehyung awhing sadly and hugging her tighter, kissing her head several times.

"Let's go to bed, beautiful." Taehyung picked her up, Rebecca holding on weakly while he walked to their room, laying her down gently and pulling the covers up for her. He changed off to the side and then climbed in beside her, Rebecca immediately melting into his arms.

"Taehyung." She said his full name, not some nickname. 


"Promise me you'll wake me up before you leave." Rebecca held on to the chain around his neck. "I don't want to wake up to you not beside me."

"I promise you Becca."

so i got my phone taken away and i'm unable to make my instagram imagines that was supposed to tie the book off, so i'll be doing little filler chapters.

i will be taking requests for i won't get my phone back till the end of the week (if all goes well)

this is why i haven't been active as much, that and school started last week.

speaking of school, i'm writing this instead of writing my english essay. and may i say, the english essay is dumb because i go to school and on the first day she wants this whole ass essay and it's dumb.

thank you for coming to my ted talk.

if your name starts with a c and ends in a s ... bro why haven't you texted me you're on the doc

and i miss all of you, a l l of you

bye lovelies <3

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