sixty three

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"But like, the photographer and athlete are total opposites." Rebecca moved her hands while she talked, her and Yoongi laying on the floor in the living room, staring up at the ceiling. "There's a catch."

"Which is?"

"The guy of the book is the shy one, the photographer. And the girl is the athlete." Rebecca smiled proudly, her hands on her stomach, waiting for Yoongi's reaction.

"Wait, really?" Yoongi looked over at her, seeing her smile. "Like, she's the one that got in the fist fight."


"And the guy,, wow. Wow yeah, that'll be a wonderful book." Yoongi looked around. The maknae line was at the BigHit grabbing something or whatever. And the olders went to pick up food and stop by the store. "Hey Becca?"

"Yes Yoongi?" Rebecca rolled on to her stomach, Yoongi doing the same, the two facing each other.

"Becca, this is all going to sound, crazy and stupid, but I just need this off my chest." Yoongi sat up, criss-crossing his legs. "But, I like you, a lot. I like you more than a friend, and I just wanted us to be something more than friends." Yoongi let his gaze fall from her eyes. "But, I have a feeling you and Taehyung are close... You two went out last night, slept together last night, and overall, just have really good chemistry."

Rebecca's heart broke. It fucking broke into a million pieces.

She just cried. She didn't know how to reply, and everything just crumbled. Here she was, hurting the most wonderful man in the world. He knows she doesn't like him the way he likes her, he knows she likes someone else. And it hurts.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi." Rebecca hugged him tightly, choking on her sobs. "I'm so sorry I can't give you the love you deserve. I'm so fucking sorry."

"I know." Yoongi rubbed her back slowly, feeling his heart slowly fade to gray. "I just ... promise me our friendship will never change?"

"Yoongi," Rebecca held Yoongi by his shoulders, staring into his eyes. "Yoongi, I would never want our friendship any other way. You're my best friend. You're the person I talk to when I feel like falling apart. You're the person I can freely talk about the piano to, to rant about anything and everything to you. You're the person I love hugging. You're the person that's always there and you always understand. You're always there for me." Rebecca smiled sadly. "I promise you Min Yoongi, you will find someone who loves you so so much. You will be able to turn to them in your darkest times. They will be able to give you the love you deserve so so much." She pulled him in for another hug. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be that person for you."

"But you are." Yoongi closed his eyes. "You're the person I turn to in my darkest times."

"I'll always be here with you Yoongi." She closed her eyes, the tears slowly tracing her face. "I'm still your friend. Nothing has to change."

Nothing will change.

"Taehyung knows I like you." Yoongi smiled, letting go of the hug, deciding not to wallow in this rejection. He wanted to make the most of how close he and her are. "So, I think it would drive him crazy if I still flirt with you."

"You flirted with me before?"

"God you're so oblivious." Yoongi sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Let me give you a quick run down. Everyone here likes you a lot. Hoseok and Namjoon are accepting defeat as I did right now. Uhm, I heard about Jin...he's doing fine, don't worry...and Jimin,, I think Jimin was caught in the moment, you know?" Yoongi frowned, trying to explain himself. "I think he thought that he really really likes you, like how Jin likes you,, but, it's just a crush. He's going to be just fine. I think he ships you with Taehyung anyways." Yoongi shrugged, tapping his fingers together, yawning softly. Rebecca touched Jimin's necklace around her, the bracelet Namjoon gave her sliding down her wrist ever so. 

"Thank you Yoongi." Rebecca hugged him tightly. "I'm so grateful to have met you."

"Yeah yeah." Yoongi smiled, patting her back. "I'm staying with you too, so don't think Taehyung gets to hoard you while you date. We're still going to be playing the piano together and I want to hear about your book ideas."

"I would never leave our piano lessons."

"Damn right."

"Thank you for being so understanding." Something popped in her head. "Tae and I went on a date, we aren't...official, you know? But hopefully soon." Yoongi smiled and nodded, glad they're taking their time.

"Of course."

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