one hundred twelve

307 19 32

"Annyeong." Taehyung smiled shyly, bowing several times, avoiding more than one second eye contact with Rebecca's mother.

"H-hi Mol-Mom." Rebecca blinked, shaking her head at herself. "Hi Mom." Rebecca stepped forward, her arms starting to rise for a hug, but her mom stepped to the side, leaving the doorway open.

Rebecca's smile faltered and everything inside her crashed. 'She doesn't want to hug you.'

"Please, come inside and clean that snow off you." Her mom looked Taehyung up and down as he walked inside, Rebecca gesturing for him to follow her.

She closed the bathroom door behind him. "I can't do this." Rebecca shook slightly, Taehyung holding her tightly. "She doesn't want me here-"

"She invited you here my Love." Taehyung reassured, rubbing her back. "She wants you." Taehyung hated the mom already. "Stay strong Becca, it'll be okay. I'm here with you, okay? We can leave whenever you want to."

Rebecca took a shaky breath and nodded, rubbing her temples. "Okay, okay. I can do this." She grabbed a towel, handing it to Taehyung before grabbing herself one and getting the snow from her hair and shirt.

"You missed a spot." Taehyung smiled, watching her look in the mirror.


Taehyung cut her off with a kiss, Rebecca's eyes going wide before closing all together. "All gone." He smiled all cutely after he backed up, Rebecca getting shy. "Come on, let's go talk with your mother."

They dropped their overnight bag off in Rebecca's old room, Taehyung teasing her for the BTS poster still on the wall.

Her mom was waiting for them on the couch, drinks on a platter along with cheese and crackers. "Ah, sit down please." She gestured to the couch, Taehyung bowing slightly as thanks, sitting right beside Rebecca. "You're father will be out of the shower soon."

"Ah, Ma'am, I'm -"

"Call me Molly." She smiled, shaking his hand. Rebecca studied her mother's face, searching for something to be weary of.

"I'm Taehyung." Taehyung also smiled, accepting the kindness she was showing.

"I can't say that." Her mother sat back and crossed her arms. "You don't have an English name or something?"

"Mom, that is in English." Rebecca spoke gently, Taehyung in shock. Never has anyone asked him for an English name...

"Well it's too hard." Her mom shook her head, refusing to even try it. "Another name."

"Try just, 'Tae.'" Rebecca advised, her mom rolling her eyes in 'secret'.

Taehyung looked over at Rebecca, not wanting her mom to call him that. No, he only wanted Rebecca to call him that.

"Sounds dumb."

"V." Taehyung spoke up. "I'm called V."

"Sounds like a name for a dog." Rebecca's mom dismissed it. "But it's probably the one that suits you the most." Taehyung bit his tongue, letting the insult sink in, Rebecca's eyebrows furrowing.

"Mom that is my boyfriend-"

"Do I -"

"Ah Rebecca!" Her father walked out of the bathroom, his, pajammas on...

Both Taehyung and Rebecca stood up, Taehyung instantly ten times more terrified. Her dad was huge. Well over six foot, and he was strong.

"Hi Sir, I'm Taehyung." Taehyung bowed deeply before offering his hand to shake, her father shaking it with an unneccessaryly (haha spelling) strong grip.

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