forty eight

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Rebecca and Namjoon locked eyes, Namjoon freezing with tears on his face. He didn't see Rebecca behind Jin. He thought only Jin was out here.

Her eyes were swarming with concern. Never in her life has she seen Namjoon look so vulnerable.

"Joonie?" Rebecca whispered, Yeontan sitting up as well to stare at him. Jin was busy wiping away his tears, Namjoon unable to move either as the tears slowly traced his cheeks. "Come here Joon." Rebecca held out her hand, Namjoon placing his hand in her's, Rebecca pulling him gently on to the couch they were at.

"What's wrong Namjoon?" Jin spoke as Namjoon sat down beside Rebecca, Rebecca in between the two boys. Namjoon laid his legs out, his the longest out of the three of them. "The hate?"

"Yeah." Namjoon wiped away his tears, sniffing twice. "Sometimes I wish I was blind."

"Awh." Rebecca mumbled sadly, laying her head on his shoulder, Yeontan crawling into Namjoon's lap. "Joon..."

"Why is the world always so full of hate?" Namjoon's fingers tapped his thighs nervously, his mind moving 100 miles an hour. "Why can't people just like what they have? Why is everyone always picking on others, searching for anything that can be deemed a flaw?"

"It's human nature." Jin took this one, letting Rebecca be in charge of physical reassurance. She laid her hand on top of Namjoon's restless ones. They're fingers traced and tangled together until finally settled, holding each other's fingers. "People envy others and are desperate to pull each other down."

"All we can do is smile past it." Rebecca wrapped her arm with Jin's, holding his arm tight. "I like to acknowledge and appreciate the little things." Rebecca looked at Jin, smiling softly, and then to Namjoon, the same loving smile. "The stars are always there for me. I like talking to them. They don't judge me, they listen. I like counting how many flowers I see, or even fireflies at night."

"Like counting your freckles?" Jin smiled, tapping some of the freckles on her face.

"If that makes you happy, you can count my freckles any day." Rebecca poked his face lightly as well, Namjoon leaning forward to get a glimpse of her freckles.

"You can make endless constellations with them." He pointed out, gently pulling her until her back touched the couch again. Both Namjoon and Jin leaned over her, staring at her freckles. "Like right there," Namjoon traced and connected freckles on her cheeks and nose. "That's a flower."

"A smiley face!" Jin laughed softly, pointing to a cluster on her forehead. "Even your freckles are cute." Jin pinched Rebecca's cheek lightly, her face burning. Two of the hottest men she's ever seen, leaning over her, their full attention on her face.

"Hahaha," Rebecca smiled, anxiety coursing through her. "I'm going to close my eyes and try to sleep-"

"Here," Jin wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. "I'll keep you warm."

"There's no blanket out here?" Namjoon followed, wrapping his arm around the open spot, Rebecca frozen as the two guys pulled her in their direction. "I'll help too."

"We can just get a blanket-" Rebecca tried, her heart pounding in her chest, sandwiched between the two.

"No." Namjoon interrupted, moving his legs a bit before settling. "This is good."

"Is this good Freckles?" Jin laid his head on top of her's. Rebecca swallowed and nodded. "Good." Jin hummed, closing his eyes.

Oh Lord Jesus Christ.


"Yo Bex." Jungkook pointed his spoon at Rebecca, mouth full of cereal. "You good? You look pale."

"I'm fi-"

"Do you need some medicine?" Jimin stood up, hurrying over to a cabinet and opening it. "We have stuff for stomach pains or head pains or-"

"I'm okay." Rebecca nodded, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah I'm fine." Jimin closed the cabinet, taking his seat again as Jungkook finished chewing. The two made eye contact as Rebecca took a sip of her coffee.

"What's really wrong?" Jungkook pushed his cereal forward, leaving room for his folded hands.


"Becca Love," Jimin interrupted, his eyes losing their softness ever so. "Tell us." Of course the two needed to be in charge, almost commanding her to tell them. Any other way and she wouldn't say a thing.

"I don't know." Rebecca laid her head on the table, Jimin immediately lifting it up again, Rebecca not looking at him. "My anxiety is just really bad today." Jimin rubbed her back reassuringly, his softness coming back. Jungkook, on the other hand....

"Tell me, how is it worse than normal?" He leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed, eyes narrow.

"I feel like everything is going to crash and I'm scared of bad change." Rebecca laid her chin on the table, Jimin allowing her to do that and continuing to rub her back. "My heart just hurts." Jungkook finally softened up, uncrossing his arms.

"Becca it's okay. We aren't going to let anything bad happen." Jungkook leaned forward, his eyes focused and sincere.

"Yeah, we  won't let anything hurt you." Jimin hugged her from the side, his face pressed close to her's.

"I know exactly how to cheer you up." Jungkook stood up, walking around the table and pulling both to their feet. "Come on, it's a salon day."

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