sixty nine

611 37 18

"I-I don't understand." Rebecca stuttered, waving goodbye to a few kids, practice over. "Why are you...firing me?"

"We got a money cut and you're the first in line to be fired." The manager shrugged, writing something on the clipboard. "Your pay for the days you worked will be mailed. Thank you for working." He walked away with nothing else. Rebecca let out a shaky breath, turning back to Jin and Namjoon.

"Hey hey." Jin hurried over and pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back. "Don't cry, it's okay just don't cry." He knew if she started to cry, she's going to fall apart.

"I'm fine." Rebecca pulled away from Jin, Namjoon in her way now too. "Get in the car." She pushed past Namjoon, Jin and him sharing a look.

"Hey, maybe I should dri-"

"Look!" A little kid squealed from down the hill. "A puppy!" Rebecca walked closer to the hill, squinting. "Coach Bex!" The kid waved her over and she went down the hill. He, the kid, stood before the thickest part, bushes and thorns and sticks everywhere. "Right there." He pointed to the shaky puppy. Rebecca didn't spare Jin and Namjoon a glance while she took off her shirt, her swimsuit beneath it.

"Okay, you go home now. I'm sure your parents are waiting for you." Rebecca smiled and gestured to the cars. "Thank you for telling me." He waved goodbye and ran, Namjoon and Jin standing beside Rebecca.

"What are you doing?" Namjoon held her arm as she stepped forward.

"I'm getting the dog."

"No you're not." Jin shook his head. "You have no shoes and your arms and legs are gonna get-"

"Let me go." She pulled out of Namjoon's hand, stepping into the thicket. Immediately blood was drawn from the thorns, scratches and burns. But Rebecca didn't care. She was pissed. She had her mind set on something. Nothing else matter right now.


She's felt worse cuts.


"Jungkookie~" Taehyung spun the boy in a circle.

"Taehyung I swear to God if you say you love Becca I'm going to personally backhand you as hard as I can and deform you're face so she'll never talk to you again because you'll be so ug-Becca! Welcome back!!" Jungkook's threat was cut short once he saw her walk through the door. "Is tha-"

"Sophie can you get me my first aid thingy." Rebecca called out, moving past every boy, even Taehyung.

"That does not look good." Hoseok mumbled as Rebecca gently put down the puppy swaddled in her shirt. "Woah you're all cut u-"

"I'm fine." Rebecca turned on the water, putting a stopper in the sink once the water got to a good temperature. "Shh, shhh." She hummed, brushed the whimpering puppy. "You're okay my dear. It's okay." She started to take out some twigs and thorns in his fur.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Yoongi mumbles, just wanting the best for the dog.

"I was originally going to be a vet but changed my mind after the first semester." Rebecca mumbled, holding the dog close to herself as she pulled out a painful thorn. "I got this." All of the boys watched silently as she pulled out the unwanted things from its fur and then eased him into the water. "There you go." She mumbled, the water immediately darkening.

"Is it-" Jungkook squinted, glancing at Rebecca.

"Blind? Yes, yes he is." Rebecca gently let her fingers trace through his fur. "I'm going to clean him up and then take him to the vet."

"Becca where the hell have you be-woah." Sophie stopped herself, seeing Rebecca's cuts. "What did you do."

"Dog." Rebecca mumbled, not minding Sophie glaring at her.

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