sixty two

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"Now, we can't tell the others." Rebecca swung Taehyung's arm as they walked to the elevator, the clock nearing 4 am. "I...I don't have the confidence for that yet." Taehyung chuckled, kissing her hand as they stood in the elevator.

"As you wish." He smiled, stepped closer and closer to her, Rebecca having a lost smile on her face, completely fallen in love.

"And nothing on the media, please." She raised her head, going closer to him. "I will be ready before I leave, I promise." Taehyung leaned for another kiss, but she turned her head, Taehyung only getting the corner of her mouth.

"B-Becca?" Taehyung whined, trying again, but she hugged him, Taehyung hugging back, confused.

"I get shy when you kiss me." Her voice was muffled through his shoulder.

"No way." Taehyung smiled, Becca coming out of hiding to nod. "My little Becca Baby getting shy? She would never." Becca pushed him away, Taehyung laughing as the elevator door opened.

"What are you two doing in here?" Jin held his coffee mug with two hands, eyes wide. "It's too early to be out and about." His eyes flickered down to Taehyung's hand on her waist. "Taehyung..." Jin put the pieces together. Early time, giggles through the doors, the touching, the everything.

His heart broke.

"Are you two dating?" Jin took a sip of his coffee, forcing his tears down.

"Hyung..." Taehyung glanced down at Rebecca, the poor girl not knowing of Jin's crush, but she's had her suspicions.

But man did Taehyung know....He felt guilty.

"Jin...we're happy together." Taehyung pulled Rebecca closer, slightly fearful of how Jin will react. "I know she's all of our friend-"

"I understand." Jin smiled warmly, looking down at Rebecca and nodding at Taehyung. "I'm so happy for both of you. You two always seemed so happy together." Rebecca beamed and hugged Jin tightly, her back turned to Taehyung. Jin smiled sadly at Taehyung, letting the younger know he's okay. "I won't tell anyone about you guys. I'll let you do that." Jin and the couple traded spots, Jin pressing a button. "Now go get some sleep, both of you."

The elevator shut and Jin slowly sat down, pushing his coffee away from him. He pulled his knees tight to his chest and shut his eyes tight, clenching his teeth, fighting every urge to scream as loud as he could.

The tears were silent though. Those freely traced his cheek, showed the chaos in his head.

He lost her. She's never going to be his...never.

Why was he never good enough?


"Hey Tae have you seen Bec..." Hoseok drifted off, standing in the doorway of Taehyung's room. There the two cuddled close, arms around each other. "Awh, our two babies."

Hoseok has accepted the fact that Rebecca didn't like him the same way he liked her. He was perfectly okay with being friends with her. Friends still hug and have the time of their lives together. And Hoseok was ready to make so many memories with his friend.

"Yoongi." Hoseok waved over the boy who walked past him. "Look."

Yoongi on the other hand, he likes Rebecca a lot. He didn't want to give her up. But, seeing Taehyung with her...

"They would make a cute couple." Yoongi sighed softly, his heart burning. Maybe he needed to surrender as well...

"Come on." Hoseok pulled Yoongi back, gently, knowing of his crush. "Let's go make breakfast."

Another heart was broke.

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