fifty six

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"Good morning Jimin!" Rebecca welcomed, laying down the final two plates. Taehyung looked up and smiled, waving as well. "Sleep well?"

"I slept too well." Jimin grinned, stretching his arms above his head. "I did not want to wake up this early."

"Why are you up this early?" Rebecca questioned, watching Taehyung attempt to flip the eggs. Jimin and her both chuckled while he completely butchered the egg.

"Well I usually go on a walk to start the morning well and then grab coffee for everyone." Jimin smiles, watching Taehyung reluctantly hand the spatula over to Rebecca.

"Oh that sounds fun." Rebecca looked up while flipping the eggs. "When do you leave?"

"Ten...twenty minutes?" Jimin looked down at his watch, taking a swig of the milk in his glass.

"Oh, if you give me a few minutes, I can go with you if you want?" Rebecca handed Taehyung the plate of eggs which he laid down on the counter.

"Oh that's a wonderful idea!" Jimin nodded quickly. "Taehyung, do you want to join us?" Taehyung's head raised at the mention of his name.

"Oh no I'm alright." He denied politely. "I've got something to do this morning anyways." Jimin nodded and smiled over at Rebecca.

"I guess it's just you and me."


"Ozzy is-oh my gosh!" Jimin laughed as Ozzy ran forward, pulling Jimin with him. Rebecca giggles, watching Ozzy run around with Jimin while her and Spots walked peacefully side by side. "Becca!" Jimin wailed, Ozzy not giving Jimin a break.

"Oz." Rebecca whistled sharply, Ozzy immediately stopping, Jimin stumbling forward after the sudden stop. "Easy." Ozzy sat and wagged his tail, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Jimin stood up straight, getting his breathing under control.

"You mean to tell me you could've done that the whole time and you didn't??" Jimin looked at Rebecca in disbelief while she laughed.

"Yes, believe it or not I do have Ozzy trained. It's fun to watch you guys struggle with him."

"You're evil, woman." Jimin shook his head, continued the walk after Rebecca joined him. They kept walking a little further until they started getting closer to the busier part of the city. "Okay, we need to cover your face."

"Why...right." Rebecca sighed, rubbing her forehead as Jimin pulled out a few things from his backpack.

"Here's the beanie for your hair...sunglasses...a mask...and you need something with a hood." Jimin looked at her t shirt. "Here, put on my sweatshirt." Jimin slipped off said clothing and handed it over, Rebecca shyly putting it on as well as the rest of the things he handed her.

"How do I look?" Rebecca tried smiling, but realized he couldn't see. Jimin smiled though before pulling a mask on.


"Oh shush it Park." Rebecca elbowed his arm lightly, smiling shyly beneath her mask. "Let's continue our walk before Ozzy escapes his leash."

So the two walked into the slightly more crowded area, no one recognizing either of them. Jimin smiled once he saw the little dream catcher shop.

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